Third Floor Common Room, Wednesday Morning

Jun 28, 2006 09:16

She was back again this morning, albeit a little later. Curled up at the opposite end of the sofa, she restlessly flipped channels. The early morning news programs weren't going to cut it this morning.

It didn't help that she wasn't really alone.

With a sigh, she stopped on an early morning repeat of Endless Crusader on one of the myriad science-fiction channels. "I used to love this show," Bester said from the far end of the sofa. "I'd sneak out to the dormitory common rooms and turn it on in the middle of the night. It always amused me, the Mundane facination with the supernatural."

Lyta cut him a glare. "I can't imagine why."

"Oh, can't you?" If he could sense her sarcasm, he didn't show it. "Imagine it, Lyta: They spend centuries worried about witches and black cats and vampires. Then, when it becomes clear that we were out there, we suddenly become the objects of their prejudices and fears. And yet, we -- and others like us -- were the heroes of their stories. Ironic, don't you think?"

"Not really. Not when there were people like you to reinforce their fears."

Bester gave his best innocent expression, but Lyta knew better. "Yes, you. You pushed for the separation; saw us as somehow superior to all the Mundanes. But we're still human, Bester, despite your best efforts to prove otherwise. Separate but equal didn't work in the twentieth century, and it doesn't work now."

He narrowed his eyes at her. She felt the less-than-gentle push as he fought past barriers weakened by a lack of sleep. "You feel normal here, don't you?" Tossing his head back, he gave a boisterous laugh. "You do! Normal... in a school amid mutants and demons and ghosts. Argue all you like, but you've traded one separation for another, my dear."

Items on the coffeetable were vibrating as he disappeared with another laugh. Taking several deep breaths, she realized she was definitely going to have to get a grip... and figure out what the frell was going on.

[OOC: Open for your 3d floor common room needs. Interaction with Lyta may be slow -- but not as slow as yesterday. Eep!]

3rd floor common room, lyta alexander

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