"So he's like, from your past? Weird." Anders wobbles on his hands and kicks down out of the handstand before it turns into an inglorious pratfall. "I don't know if I could handle, like, meeting someone from a different place in my own timeline, but in a completely different dimension or something."
Bridge shrugs. "Eh, it's not so weird- s'happened kind of a lot in my reality, the time-travel thing. Know what I find weird? No spaceships. What's with that? How do people get to other planets?"
"Time travel's a totally new thing for me, but yeah, the spaceships thing is just weird." Anders nods. "I'm still having trouble with the whole idea of different dimensions."
"Yes, yes, we all know you guys do plenty of healthy and creative, um, smushing," Angela says, feeling her ears turn red. She's thinking "privacy" as a concept is a little different in the Colonies. "I apologize that I implied wee Bridgey was involved."
Anders actually feels bad that Angela had to hear that. It's fun to poke at Rory, but, well . . . he's turning a little bit red himself. "Naw, 's okay, Chase," he says, offering her a sheepish grin. "And the cupcakes are a free-for-all. Just me doin' my part to boost morale, or something like that."
Angela selects a cupcake with rather bright pink icing. "It works. Like, I'm already feeling way better about my five thousand classes. Or, you know, five."
"Aw, my morale's pretty good. Doesn't need boosting that I can think of." Anders shrugs and picks out a chocolate-iced chocolate cupcake. "But cupcakes always cheer people up, and it's something I can do, so hey."
He grins and licks a swath of icing off the top of the cupcake, smearing his nose all over with chocolate in his enthusiasm.
He proceeds to stand on his head across from Bridge. "Whatcha readin'?"
"No, no, no do not include Bridgey in their smushy name!" she flailed.
He grins evilly. "Now, me and Cally, on the other hand."
"Why does your morale need boosting?"
He grins and licks a swath of icing off the top of the cupcake, smearing his nose all over with chocolate in his enthusiasm.
"Who taught you to cook? These are really good."
He remains completely oblivious to the chocolatey-nose issue.
Angela wipes at her own nose with two fingers, hoping Anders will get the hint.
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