Second Floor Common Room, Tuesday Afternoon

Feb 14, 2017 12:58

There was a Camp Pining Hearts marathon on the television. Peridot had found out about it mostly by accident, and was now fixated on the television screen for what was probably going on the eleventh episode, now. She'd needed to break for class that morning, true, but that only meant that by the time she returned to the television, she had a rather ( Read more... )

peridot, 2nd floor common room, gratuity tucci

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Comments 149

intotheout February 14 2017, 17:08:53 UTC
Tip had a yellow rose in one poof and a purple carnation in the other, and she went looking for Peridot the very moment she finally got off the phone with J.Lo and her mom.

. . . The Valentine's Day phone call took awhile. She filed that information away for next year.

"Hey Peridot." She came over to sit next to her on the floor and picked up a . . . cheese-covered marshmallow. Huh. Alright. "I see I wasn't the only one who sent you flowers for Valentine's Day, huh?"


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 17:25:07 UTC
"That would be correct," Peridot agreed, sitting up and giving Gratuity a pleased little smile. "I also got them from Ada and Rufus. As well as one anonymous one that was... pleasant, if confusing."

She was loved? What did that even mean?


intotheout February 14 2017, 17:30:19 UTC
Mostly that someone thought they could fix the world with generalized positivity.

"It's probably a friendship thing," Tip said, hand drifting up to the poof with the yellow rose in it. "Which you definitely identified correctly."

She was so proud of you, Peridot. So proud.


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 17:44:01 UTC
Peridot beamed that little bit more. She'd figured it out? She'd figured it out! And Gratuity was wearing the flower she'd sent! Yes, victory!

"I've been paying attention," she replied proudly. "Human customs are still confusing but gestures of friendship are still... enjoyable."


crimson_sister February 14 2017, 20:47:06 UTC
"Peridot," Lucille said, having noticed her in the common room. She didn't intend to stay as there were noisy things playing on the television, but she had received a flower from the gem this morning.

"I wanted to thank you for the carnation. It was very kind of you." And very surprising, considering Peridot's understanding of things, but Lucille interpreted this as an improvement in social skills.

Then she saw the marshmallows. "Oh. You brought things with you from class." Lucille had a sweet tooth. She also knew that Peridot didn't eat.


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 20:50:46 UTC
"I did," Peridot replied, looking at the marshmallows speculatively. "I thought somebody might as well get some use out of them."

She still had her bread.

She could probably kill a person with that bread, by now.

"Did you... like... the carnation? I understand that humans give them to other humans as gestures of goodwill."

Or, at least, that's more or less what she'd picked up from television.


crimson_sister February 14 2017, 20:55:09 UTC
"I liked the carnation very much," Lucille said. It wasn't untrue, she did like flowers even if she preferred them in other colors. But perhaps it was a good thing that Peridot hadn't sent her a dark red one.

She reached out a hand and picked up a marshmallow. One dipped in chocolate, not in cheese. She hadn't noticed the latter yet. "Sharing food is very kind."

She would have eating the bread before it got rock hard, Peridot.


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 20:57:10 UTC
"Is it sharing if I don't plan to eat any as well?"

She still wasn't completely sure about the specifics of sharing, but so long as Lucille seemed to approve, that was good enough for Peridot.


soniaroadsqueen February 14 2017, 22:19:30 UTC
Ringo didn't really have pressing business on the second floor, but she didn't have anywhere else in particular to be either, and the sound of the TV drew her into the common room.

"What's on?" she asked curiously.


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 22:36:16 UTC
"A Camp Pining Hearts marathon," Peridot shared, her attention glued mostly to the television. "Pierre is about to destroy everyone in the three-legged races."

Pierre was a brute. Peridot liked Pierre.


soniaroadsqueen February 14 2017, 23:20:46 UTC
"Um. I don't think I know that one," Ringo admitted. "What's it about?"


angry_pie_slice February 14 2017, 23:22:40 UTC
"It's about a camp in the Canadian wilderness," Peridot replied. "There are three-legged races and canoe races and-- there are a lot of races. And also hearts that pine."

She still wasn't completely certain what that even meant. But she was a dedicated shipper to the Percy/Pierre power couple possibility.


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