FIRE DRILL!, Outside of the Dorms, Very Late Thursday Night/Very Early Friday Morning

Jan 30, 2015 11:18

The wind roared around campus this time of night. Temperatures had dropped to close to freezing, and clouds blocked out most of the fragile light of the moon.

Perfect time to ring the fire alarm for a test, right? Right.

Somewhere deep in the middle of the night, the alarm went off. Loudly. So grab what you can and bustle on outside, students ( Read more... )

fire drill

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Comments 354

seeks_truth January 30 2015, 11:22:46 UTC
The alarming noise had sent Cassandra stumbling out of bed, grabbing the knife from under her pillow. There had been no immediate assailant, however, just a stream of students heading down the hall in a hurry.

As a result, she was now standing outside, in her underwear with her longcoat thrown haphazardly over her shoulders.

She was also wielding a knife, though no longer in any kind of active sense. She just had nowhere to put it.

And she seemed very, very annoyed.


hexentotchen January 30 2015, 21:17:29 UTC
"Are we under attack?"

Cassandra was possibly not the best person to ask, but she was armed, and Hanna was wishing she was. Maybe she could smother someone with the blanket?


seeks_truth January 31 2015, 06:54:04 UTC
"It does not appear so," Cassandra said, gritting her teeth.

She was looking around and doing another visual sweep just in case.

"I do not understand the meaning of this."


hexentotchen February 1 2015, 01:10:08 UTC
"I'm not certain what we're accomplishing either." Hanna fought a yawn, and looked around at everyone in their pajamas. "...aside from the student body catching colds."


doesnotkneel January 30 2015, 11:26:32 UTC
Edward looked mostly bewildered. He'd been asleep only five minutes prior and now he was standing outside in his hooded sweatshirt and old set of trousers and Isabelle's scarf wrapped haphazardly around his neck.

He wasn't sure about anything right now, besides that he wanted it to stop.


seveninchmotto January 30 2015, 16:55:09 UTC
"This is stupid."

Said the girl who looked like she hadn't slept in days. So, you had to believe that that was her very serious opinion.


doesnotkneel January 30 2015, 20:15:15 UTC
"Yes," Edward agreed, nodding vigorously. "Very stupid."


seveninchmotto January 30 2015, 21:26:31 UTC
"I should've just gone home," Isabelle grumbled, although there was an exhaustion-caused mildness to her tone. "Foolishly, I assumed this was the place to be for a night of uninterrupted sleep."


iceolatedqueen January 30 2015, 12:04:08 UTC
Elsa, by some miracle in her sleep-fogged state of mind, had managed to grab both a blanket and her dog before stumbling down the stairs this morning. Not that she felt the cold, and she was still standing barefoot all the same, but with Anna here as a student as well these days, she was going to manage coherent thought long enough to avoid being noticeably cold-resistant.

Elsa looked a little bit like she wanted to go crawl under a rock somewhere to sleep. Canute, on the other hand, was off-leash and frolicking, because he was outside at not-outside-time, and outside was so full of people!

[OOC: No-net-at-work-for-me disclaimer, but I'll be around in the evening to play!]


kenselvren January 30 2015, 22:56:48 UTC
"He seems to be enjoying himself," Jalian noted. At least someone was!


iceolatedqueen January 31 2015, 00:16:16 UTC
"He gets outside time," Elsa replied with a sleepy smile. "Outside time that doesn't even involve making a beeline for the quieter parts of the park. I don't think he's seen this many people in one place since possibly the last welcome picnic."


kenselvren January 31 2015, 00:24:38 UTC
"Is he always so excited?" Jalian asked, grinning at Canute.


myownface January 30 2015, 12:14:09 UTC
Sparkle didn't seem too concerned by the fire drill, really. He was generally up stupidly late anyway, and it wasn't like the cold was anything worse than he usually faced in the winter back when he was growing up. Besides, this was Fandom. The odds that the dorms were actually burning down were pretty slim. So he actually took a few minutes to get properly dressed (and to empty a bag full of glitter onto his floor so he could stuff his cat into his backpack) before walking straight on past the school grounds completely, heading into town.

About fifteen minutes later, he had an armload of emergency blankets shoved into his bag along with his cat, and as many trays of hot convenience store tea as he could carry. Herbal decaf stuff, in case people wanted to actually sleep later.

"Blankets and tea, help yourselves!"

He hated when people were cold, okay? So he was going to light himself a smoke while he was out here and hand his wares out to whoever looked like they really needed them.

[OOC: Go on and mod taking your blankets and ( ... )


spin_kick_snap January 30 2015, 18:04:21 UTC
"You are the best person," Kathy muttered sleepily, helping herself to a cup of tea. She'd brought her own blanket with her. "Remind me to let you win at Uno sometime or something for this."


myownface January 31 2015, 00:13:42 UTC
"Ha, don't you even dare," Sparkle countered, sticking out his tongue at her. "I'll win at Uno the proper way, by being superior at it in every way, shape, and form. And also ruthless. I'll win by being ruthless."

As was only right and proper.


kenselvren January 30 2015, 22:57:41 UTC
Jalian was chilly, but not particularly bothered. Still, tea was nice. "Thank you."


gavegoodface January 30 2015, 12:15:43 UTC
Despite being suddenly woken, Face looked fetchingly dishevelled rather than rumpled and bleary-eyed.

He also looked cold since he'd prioritised his boots and a pair of trousers over a shirt or vest when grabbing clothes.


giveherahand January 30 2015, 15:10:33 UTC
It was so completely unfair that Face looked fetchingly disheveled and Mara'a hair looked like she had been shot from a cannon.

But at least she'd remembered her nice warm coat! "Do you need a scarf?" she offered.


gavegoodface January 30 2015, 15:38:34 UTC
But it looked like it had been a warm canon.

"I would be forever grateful for one," Face said, trying to keep the shivering to a minimum. "I didn't realise the school had moved to Hoth overnight."


giveherahand January 30 2015, 18:06:56 UTC
Mara laughed and handed her bright green scarf over to him. "Spend a lot of time on Hoth?" she teased.


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