Fifth Floor Common Room, Friday Afternoon

Jul 01, 2011 21:53

Jeremy was getting a fake little sibling tomorrow. He was pretty pumped about it, because his three elder siblings and a twin sister meant he'd never been a big sibling before. Even a fake one. And he was taking this new responsibility very seriously ( Read more... )

topher brink, ariel, 5th floor common room, jeremy darling

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Comments 85

dollpocalypse July 1 2011, 19:53:36 UTC
Topher walked in just in time for that last bullet point and he raised his eyebrows.

"Dude," he said. "Whoever you're talking to should really get outside more often."


stars_and_money July 1 2011, 19:59:51 UTC
Jeremy looked up, a mildly confused expression on his face. "Huh? Oh, I'm not talking to anyone, dude," he explained, waving his phone at the new guy. "I'm dictating. Taking notes."

Using a pen and paper was too much of a hassle.


dollpocalypse July 1 2011, 20:03:02 UTC

"So... you're telling yourself that the deer are supposed to be that color?" Topher clarified, amused. "'Cause that might be worse."


stars_and_money July 1 2011, 20:07:09 UTC
"No," Jeremy replied, frowning and sounding amused at the idea all at the same time. "No, man, they're giving me a fake little sib tomorrow! I'm just trying to figure out what I should tell a newbie about this place and how we roll here."


shes_got_legs July 1 2011, 21:10:54 UTC
Ariel definitely made sure that her trip home concluded in time for her to be back for the big exciting newbie picnic, but then she found that she had too much time to wait until then. She supposed she should enjoy the quiet before the storm, but she just got restless and went to find some good distractions.

Common rooms. Always a good place to start. "Hey, everyone!" she offered a smile as she slipped on in and found her way to the couch. "What's going on?"


stars_and_money July 1 2011, 21:26:06 UTC
Jeremy threw a smile her way in greeting. "Not much," he said. "Just figuring out stuff for my new little sis or bro."

He was hoping for a girl, for the record. He liked girls.

"Other than that, just chillin'."


shes_got_legs July 1 2011, 21:32:38 UTC
Ariel gave a nod. "That's probably a good idea," she agreed. "There's a ton of stuff to remember. Do you think you're going to try to ease him or her into things by starting out small and slowly building up to the weirder stuff, or do you think you'll drop the weird bomb right away and go from there?"


stars_and_money July 1 2011, 21:38:51 UTC
Jeremy considered this for a moment. "I don't know, I think I'll just go all in," he said then. "I mean, I think it's good to get that out in the open straight away? And --" He raised his coffee cup a bit for emphasis on that word. "-- there's the chance the kid comes from someplace weird and won't even be shaken by any of it."


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