Snacks today were the pure sugar variety - bowls full of leftover Halloween candy and a cooler full of sodas. Tony stood at the front looking a little tired, a little beaten up and a little smug. "Now we know vegetables aren't always good for us," he said. "Today, Zack's going to talk about his magic and then we're going to do the post-battle rundown. What worked for you yesterday? Anything you wish you'd done differently?"
With the two--not three--leaders of the reserve, there was a
falcon-y looking bird, trying to appear very cheerful about everything. And screeching occasionally to let them all know he wasfully on board with this meeting.
Karla couldn't stop herself from shooting amused towrads Merlin, though she tried to keep her expression neutral whenever the bird glanced her way. "Just as important as your own actions, what could we as a group have done otherwise? If we'd had advanced warning, would we have done things differently? Better? We very much want to know your opinion. Non-mages should also feel free to chime in," she added. "We're here to work with everyone."
Tony nodded. "That goes for all the time, actually. Yeah, we're here to work on magic stuff, but we all gotta look out for each other." added. "We're here to work with everyone." He turned to Zack. "All right, you're up."
[OCD up.
ETA: Volunteers for next week needed! Bribery (IC or OOC) can be provided if needed.]