Going straight from
Ino's party to setting up her own was easy, what with them both being on the sixth floor and all. Though Karla did plan on expanding her party a wee bit after Ino's was over--the ballpit thingy was fun!
But anyway, now was the time for the girliest girl party to ever be very girly. Okay, possibly not the girliest (she'd heard about the incredible pinkness of the first sorority meeting and shuddered), but still pretty damn girly. It would be like an antidote for the excessive maleness of yesterday. Just a slumber party for the girls (and Layla, but it wasn't her fault she was stuck like that) with food, makeup, drinks, even some arts and crafts! Mostly because she had to get rid of the supplies she'd bought for making Tahiri's banner for last week. She was going to set up a table in the back of the room where people could paint or color or do whatever.
She called in her art supplies, sending them to the designated table: glue, pens, pencils, crayons, paints, paintbrushes, charcoal, sketchpads, and a giant jar of glitter. Unfortunately, she'd either overestimated the size of the table or underestimated the amount of supplies she'd managed to pick up. Most of her supplies appeared neatly on the table, except for the glitter. That landed on the table's edge, a good half of the jar sticking out over side. It teetered in place for a moment, then decided to take the plunge, flinging itself off the table and onto the heating vents.
Which would have been less of a problem if Karla had properly screwed the lid on the jar after she'd used it last. Upon impact, the lid popped off, and glitter went streaming into the vents. And, of course, caught between the wall and the table, the jar landed on an angle, ensuring that it completely emptied itself. Cue the facepalming. Which nearly turned into headdesking when the most horrible noises started coming from the vents beneath the table. There was a lot Karla didn't know about how ventilation systems worked, but she was fairly certain of one thing: glitter and screeching sounds were probably a bad sign.
By the time she stopped cursing and realized she could probably just vanish the glitter, it had managed to work itself through the ducts and up into the walls. This resulted in a veritable shower of glitter, as it worked its way out of any available duct and vent in the room. It was even raining down from the ceiling. The glitter-shower wasn't heavy enough to be annoying; just a a few flakes here and there at any given moment. It looked...rather cool, actually. They'd have to keep the food covered, but the overall effect was really pretty. Definitely girly.
"I think I'll keep it," she said aloud. "Let the festivities begin!"
[Yay Sapphic Lovefest 2009! Sorry it's up so late. My lazy day turned out to be anything but. Hold for OOC is up!]