Behind the Dorms, Tuesday Afternoon

Sep 15, 2009 10:23

"Alright!" When the Reserves crew assembled today, they'd be greeted by Zack, holding up... Half a sword! The last two feet of the length of his blade were nowhere to be seen, and what survived was the hilt, and a length of metal that had definitely seen better days. "Broken weapons! They happen! I know some of you think your blades are all but ( Read more... )

zack fair, ben skywalker, firekeeper, grounds, leto atreides, azula, lion-o, illyria, jak, ino yamanaka, triela, tahiri veila, tabitha-ruth wexler, gabrielle, jennifer walters, dinah lance, fiona post, kennedy, jennifer scotts, mat cauthon, arthur pendragon

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Comments 214

Arrive! Mingle! puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:25:32 UTC
Yes, Zack had brought cookies again!

And a good deal of other sugary things. Pixy Stix, anyone?


Re: Arrive! Mingle! flowering_mind September 15 2009, 13:34:43 UTC
Ino was totally going to have a cookie, while giving the Pixy Stix's a long considering look before deciding that she probably didn't need that much sugar in her system today.

After all, it wasn't like they were tasty tasty sugar like chocolate and such, right?

So, cookies it was, and she glanced around while nibbling on one.


Re: Arrive! Mingle! kestrelswolf September 15 2009, 13:48:20 UTC
Firekeeper was going to take a cookie. Blind Seer... not so much.

Firekeeper was also going to eye the Pixy Stix curiously. She had no idea what they were!

[ooc: ...I actually had to type this twice. the first time, my fingers were not on home row. I stared at it for a whole two minutes wondering wtf was going on with my keyboard.]


Re: Arrive! Mingle! cutsthestrings September 15 2009, 14:09:53 UTC
Fiona was there, not really interested in the cookies but in a good mood nonetheless. The mention of weapons reminded her that her Uncle Aaron had promised to bring her a tessen of her own sometime soon.


Discuss! During battle! puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:27:21 UTC
Your weapon is broken! What do you do? Is it possible to make use of the weapon you have, if it shatters, stops working, or is otherwise damaged? What might you find in your general vicinity on the island that you can use as its stead?

And remember, there is no shame in running for your life, if you're overpowered and unarmed.


Re: Discuss! During battle! flowering_mind September 15 2009, 13:37:36 UTC

Ino looked a bit sheepish. "Grab another one?" Because, really, she had way more than one or two kunai and shuriken. "In the event of having nothing else, it kinda depends on the sort of enemy. I might go hand-to-hand, or I might pull back and consider my options then."


Re: Discuss! During battle! azuldragon September 15 2009, 23:29:09 UTC
"No shame in pulling back," Azula said, she didn't really know who was speaking she was still very distracted by her thoughts.


Re: Discuss! During battle! flowering_mind September 15 2009, 23:39:09 UTC
Ino's eyebrows raised sharply, but her voice stayed light. Mostly because she was amused, but shhh.

"Well," she amended, "there's times when it is shameful--if you're pulling back at the first sign of things going wrong, and just running away, then that's pretty pathetic. But if you're pulling back to lure them into an ambush, or to save your men 'cause it's getting devastating in the loss department and you need to recoup and re-plan, then yeah. It's a good thing."


Discuss! Repair/Replacement! puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:29:20 UTC
Do you know of anyone on the island, or at least someone who you have easy access to, who can repair certain sorts of weaponry? Does anyone else know of someone who can fix or replace weapons that other people might not have a means to? Can your weapon even be replaced at all, and if it can't, do you have alternatives?


Re: Discuss! Repair/Replacement! flowering_mind September 15 2009, 13:38:52 UTC
"I generally order them in from home if I need to," she said, shrugging a bit. "But Wellspring Arms has weapons like them, so if I needed them in a pinch that's where I'd go."

It helped, of course, that Cable-san let her buy things like that.


Re: Discuss! Repair/Replacement! cutsthestrings September 15 2009, 14:09:04 UTC
"I could probably pick up another yo-yo from Turtle & Canary," she offered with a shrug, "or use the other one, if I'm not using two at the time."

Though she didn't like the idea of getting a new yo-yo since those had been gifts.

"Or I could just restring them."


Re: Discuss! Repair/Replacement! bloody_luck September 15 2009, 15:14:55 UTC
"The ashandarei is pretty one-of-a-kind," Mat admitted, "but bows and slingshots and quarterstaves don't exactly take a genius to manufacture."


Talk to the Guys! puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:29:43 UTC
When they ping in!


Re: Talk to the Guys! puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:30:22 UTC
Zack and his half a sword and his bucketloads of sugar were there, and totally willing to address any issues that might come up today!


Re: Talk to the Guys! bitch_prince September 15 2009, 13:42:07 UTC
Arthur was there. With his sword. He was not at all thinking about any fights he might have gotten into with certain rat bastard wizards who were very annoying the day he met them.



Re: Talk to the Guys! bigdamndestiny September 15 2009, 22:48:36 UTC
And Merlin was not thinking about certain fights with a certain princely bastard they day he met him that lead to the bloody dungeons.


OOC puppy_fair September 15 2009, 13:31:00 UTC
I want Pixy Stix, too. o_o


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