Look, this time Tahiri had made it back to the school grounds perfectly conscious of where she was and why she was going there, thanks. Someone had a belated birthday present to receive. She'd handwavily called Dinah to meet her up here, then stopped by the weapons locker to retrieve the two
gaderffii she'd spent the past couple of weeks' spare time building (and wondering if it was cheating that the junkyard had plenty of scrap metal for such a project when it was much harder to scrounge up the right kind of metal back on Tatooine). One of them was a traditional style Tusken gaderffii, and the other, the one she'd made for Dinah, had been much more heavily modified with blunted fins and a rounded tip where the blades and spearhead should be, and no sharp spike protruding from the cudgel end (which had been shaped into more of a hook).
She propped that one up against the wall and went through a few basic moves with her own, re-acquainting herself with the heft and balance of the weapon. She'd learned to fight with one when she was five, but it had been years since she'd had to use one and it took some remembering.
Still, Tahiri couldn't help grinning. This was familiar, and reassuring.
[OOC: For Dinah, but open like a salle.]