Bright and early Monday morning a bunch of posters went up around the school and dorms:
No Date for Homecoming?
Want One?
You're Not Alone!
Come on down to the first floor lobby and stick your name and your preferred gender(s) in the box and we'll do our best to connect you with another single looking for a date to Homecoming.
All sign-ups must be in by 9AM Wednesday so we have time to matchmake!
Either Peyton or Angela were around all day to answer any questions.
[OOC: We'll do our best to match your characters with someone. If two characters want to be 'accidentally' matched with each other please have both people comment in the appropriate thread. If your character would never sign up IC, but you want them involved anyway, well, Angela and Peyton can always mistake that unidentifiable squiggle for their name. Ooops! Paperwork error!
And yes, both Peyton and Angela are looking for dates of their own]
OCD is up!