First Floor Lobby; All Day Tuesday.

Feb 12, 2008 09:46

Turtle was all ready and excited to be womanning the table in the lobby for the Masquerade ticket and the flower sales today, sitting with a generous offering of cookies (very, very, very free of the influence of pink), coffee, and a few of the star-shaped paopu from the store, hoping to get people hooked or, at the least, interested ( Read more... )

sora, romeo montague, jack burton, tabitha-ruth wexler, john sheppard, sokka, lobby

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Comments 63

missed_the_gate February 12 2008, 15:55:25 UTC
John found the cookie arrangement enticing and meandered over to the table. "Your cookies seem to be calling to me."


stocksgrrl February 12 2008, 15:59:50 UTC
"Well," Turtle said, tilting her head thoughtfully at them, "that's because,"--it's working--, "they're wonderful, delicious cookies."

And now that he was over here... "Have you gotten your Masquerade tickets yet, John? Or maybe bought some flowers for Valentine's Day?"


missed_the_gate February 12 2008, 16:04:56 UTC
"So you're selling cookies, tickets, and flowers? That's a little ambitious for one sale," John replied.


stocksgrrl February 12 2008, 16:06:35 UTC
"Nonono," Turtle shook her head. "The cookies, coffee, and paopu fruit are all free, while supplies last. And then the tickets and flowers are for sale, pricing depending on what exactly you'd like to get."


withoutverona February 12 2008, 22:14:41 UTC
Romeo's good mood had been spoiled by being poisoned and having has face painted blue in religion class, but he still needed to get dance tickets. He meandered over to the table, eyes daring Turtle to say one word about his new skin tone.

"Is this where we buy dance tickets?" he asked, snagging a cookie.


stocksgrrl February 12 2008, 22:21:28 UTC
Hey, Turtle had been at Fandom long enough to know when not to ask questions, although she did have to press her lips together against a slight smirk when Romeo came up. "It certainly is," she chirped. "You can also order special flower deliveries, too, if you would like!"


withoutverona February 12 2008, 22:25:44 UTC
"Ah, flowers would be excellent," Romeo said, biting into the cookie, which made him slightly less woeful. "Show me what to fill out, and I will make some orders."

"I'm Romeo, by the way. I think we have not yet met." He considered pointing out his skin was not normally this shade, but hoped desperately the brunette knew that.


stocksgrrl February 12 2008, 22:27:39 UTC
Laying down some order forms and a pen in front of Romeo first, Turtle then stuck out her hand. "T.R. Wexler," she greeted him back with a smile. "Most people call me Turtle, though. Nice to meet you, Romeo. You work Mondays at Pixie Dust, don't you?"


sarcasm_guy February 13 2008, 00:39:17 UTC
"Oooh... Free food!!!"

Sokka plucked up a handful of cookies, and a paopu fruit, and then stood and stared at his hands as he realized he wasn't going to be able to buy tickets like that.

So he started eating cookies.


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 01:07:43 UTC
Turtle stared for just about as long as Sokka stared at his own hands before blinking. She shook her head, and went into selling mode.

"Hi, Sokka!" she said brightly. "Going to the dance? Got your tickets yet?"


sarcasm_guy February 13 2008, 01:19:48 UTC
"Nope!" he replied, cheerfully. "But I will, just as soon as I can reach my pockets again. ...What kind of fruit is this?"


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 01:27:26 UTC
"Paopu fruit!" Some of Turtle's enthusiasm was cut by the fact that Sokka would probably find out about it, anyway, working at the store, but interest was still interest, and he was working Thursday. As far as she knew. "Sora brought it in to sell at the store. It's from his homeworld and, I gotta admit, it's a brilliant move on his part right before Valentine's Day. It's said that, when you share one of them with someone else, your fate becomes forever interlinked with theirs. Perfect for the holiday, a very different and unique gift alternative, don't you think? And absolutely exclusive to Turtle & Canary, outside of where ever it is that Sora's from, anyway."


key_of_heart February 13 2008, 01:39:11 UTC
"Hey Turtle!" Sora grinned as he came up to the table. "What's all this?" He said curiously looking at the signs.


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 01:41:52 UTC
"Hey, Sora." Turtle greeted him with a light smile, nodding at all the things around her as she listed them off. "Ticket sales for the Masquerade. Order forms for Valentine's Day flower deliveries. Free cookies and coffees and pimping the fruit you brought in."


key_of_heart February 13 2008, 02:33:57 UTC
"Oh cool, are people liking them so far?" He grinned confidently, and did a double take. "Wait, another dance?"


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 02:36:13 UTC
"Mmmm," Turtle sounded momentarily put out. "It hasn't quite taken off, but there's still time. And what do you mean, another dance? It wouldn't be high school without a handful of thematic, social awkward formal dance events."


inthereflexes February 13 2008, 02:52:51 UTC
Jack dropped in after certain things happened. Namely? Solidifying his date-ness!
"Turtle! I need two tickets," he said with a grin.


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 03:22:46 UTC
"Two tickets!" Turtle easily extracted them. "That'll be handwavey amount, Jack. And you're going to get flowers for your date for Thursday, right? Delivered right away and everything...." She oh-so-subtly started nudging the order forms his way.


inthereflexes February 13 2008, 03:25:42 UTC
"Oh, sure. Can't miss out on that," he said as he filled out the forms and laid out the handwavey amount.

"I got your message, about the reschedule. I've got classes on Fridays and Wednesdays, and aside from work, I'm pretty available." His grin was almost infectious enough to be investigated by the CDC.


stocksgrrl February 13 2008, 03:29:18 UTC
"We could just set it for next Tuesday, since I'm pretty sure that starts a Valentine's Day and Student Council Obligation free week." Her nose wrinkled slightly. "Sorry about having to cancel."


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