First Floor Lobby: Monday Afternoon

Mar 26, 2007 14:34

Anyone coming into the lobby might notice that part of the lobby has been turned into a puppet stage show with appropriate seating.

They might also notice a sign that says:

Multiple Madrox Productions is proud to present:

A Very Special Episode of Wendy the Werewolf Stalker

"Once Again With Subtext"

Once people have taken their seats (if they are so inclined) the lights dim and curtain on the puppet stage comes up.

A puppet with a blonde wig pops up against a graveyard background. A werewolf puppet pops up at the other end.

Werewolf: Grrr. Your ass is mine Stalker!

Wendy: You know after five years of this stalker gig, you would think you guys would come up with something original.

The werewolf puppet opens his mouth and lets out a howl. Wendy suddenly holds up a bat and starts beating the werewolf with it.

Wendy: No! Bad puppy! No biscuit!

Werewolf: *yelps* A bad isn't going to get rid of me Stalker!

Voice: No. But this will.

A puppet with spiky hair and dressed in a leather overcoat pops up from behind the werewolf and stabs him from behind. The werewolf howls and disappears in a puff of smoke.

Wendy: Seraph.

Seraph: Hey.

Wendy: You're back.

Serpah: I am.

Wendy: Why? When you left you said...

Seraph: I know what I said. But the ratings for my show are in the toilet so I'm doing a guest spot to drum up some interest.

Wendy: Is that the only reason?

Seraph: No.

Wendy: I thought you said it wouldn't work.

Seraph: It can't.

Wendy: Then why are you here?

Seraph: I don't care any more.

Suddenly the two puppets are clenched in a tight embrace.

Wendy: This is dangerous.

Seraph: You don't think I know that? When I kiss you, you don't wake up.

Wendy: When I kiss you I know what you had for breakfast.

Seraph: That wasn't in the show.

Wendy: No but the subtext was there.

Seraph: Oh Wendy!

Wendy: Oh me!

The puppet kiss as passionately as only puppets can.

Seraph: I still love you.

Wendy: You had blueberry pancakes for breakfast with a side of bacon.

Seraph: You don't feel the same way?

Wendy: Seraph... I-

Voice with a bad Australian accent: Give it up Seraph.

A puppet with a small leather duster and slicked back hair appears.

Seraph: (grim) Thorn.

Thorn: (grim) Seraph.

Wendy: (shocked) Thorn! What are you doing here?

Thorn: What do you think Stalker?

Wendy: No! Thorn! I-

Suddenly Thorn and Wendy are making out.

Seraph: Wait! Hold on! That doesn't happen yet! It's the wrong season!

Thorn: That's what you think Seraph. Our forbidden love is so subtextual it became textual. She loves me now.

Seraph: Is this true?

Wendy: No! Yes! I don't know! I'm so confused! Why? Why does this bother you so?

Seraph: Because I love you. And... I love Thorn. And he loves me.

Thorn: No we don't.

Seraph: The power of subtext compels you.

Suddenly Thorn and Seraph are making out.

Wendy: (shocked) Okay. Of all the possible outcomes I wasn't expecting that.

Thorn: He also had some hashbrowns with his pancakes.

Wendy: I knew that. What I didn't know was...

Thorn: He's my grandsire. You didn't think that ever happened before in the years we knew each other.

Wendy: I saw the subtext but I didn't think it was true.

Seraph: (grimly) It's true. Wendy, I'm sorry you had to find out this way. But please know this doesn't change the way I feel for you because that could alter the entire storyline for our characters.

Thorn: I feel the same way. Except with an Australian accent. Oy.

A puppet dressed in a Hawaiian shirt appears.

Xavier: Gee, Thorn. Way to jump on the proverbial subtext train to slash.

Thorn: (snorts) Like you're one to talk.

Wendy: Xavier! What are you doing here?

Xavier: Gee, Wen. What do you expect me to do? Follow you around from graveyard to graveyard turning myself into a damsel in distress each week until you eventually fall in love with me?

Wendy: Oh Xavier I-

Suddenly Wendy and Xavier are making out passionately.

Thorn: Oy. Someobody throw that shrimp on the barbie.

Seraph: I think that shrimp is on the Barbie.

Wendy: I'm sorry. I can no longer hold back my hidden feelings for Xavier. I love him.

Thorn: This wounds me more than you can know.

Wendy: Thorn, I'm sorry I-

Thorn: This is isn't about you.

Wendy: What?

Thorn grabs Xavier and starts making out with him as well.

Wendy: Okay. That I actually saw coming.

Seraph: All the snark between them? Thorn living in the same basement with him?

Wendy: Bound to happen sooner or later. It's just a good thing that Violet isn't-

A redheaded puppet appears in the graveyard, sees Thorn and Xavier and begins to flail frantically.

Violet: Xavier! How could you?! With him?!

Xavier: What do you mean? I've made out with everyone in the cast. Including you.

Violet: (flails) Everyone?

Thorn: Yep.

Wendy: Yep.

Seraph: Yep.

Wendy, Thorn and Violet all do a double take at Seraph.

Seraph: Please. You haven't noticed? We're so pretty next to each other.

Violet: But... but... but...

Seraph: (to Violet) But what about us?

Suddenly Seraph and Violet are making out like mad.

Xavier: Him? He killed your gerbils?

Violet: But he killed them in such a sexy way.

Thorn: Hmmph. Un-Foster's likely.

Xavier: What's with you?

Violet: Oh Thorn! This must be horrible for you to see!

Wendy: Buh?

Xavier: Oh you must be joking.

Wendy: But Violet! You're gay!

Violet: So are you!

Wendy: I am?!

Violet: You are!

Violet and Wendy start making out.

Thorn: Oy. When did this happen?

Xavier: About two seconds ago. Are you not standing here?

Thorn: I meant the chick on chick thing.

Seraph: Third season.

Thorn: Hope?

Xavier: Hope.

Seraph: Hope!

The sock faces on all three guy puppets go to a happy place.

A tweedy looking sock wearing glasses pops up.

Guyles: Oh dear lord. What the devil is going on here?

Xavier: We just found out we've all been sleeping with each other behind our collective backs.

Thorn: Strewth I would have thought a bloody intellectual would have noticed the subtext to all our relationships.

Guyles: True. I must have been too busy having intellectual but hot relations with all of you. However I must say that with all the subtext how is it possible that these things would have occured? There's not enough time in the day for all of us to have conjugal relations without someone knowing about it.

Thorn: We're all extremely sneaky. Oy.

Seraph: Right. Werewolf. We can be be very sneaky.

Xavier: I'm not.

Violet: (finally not making out with Wendy anymore) I'm too flaily to be sneaky!

Wendy: what are you saying Guyles?

Guyles: Other than I'm incredibly hot in tweed?

Wendy: Oh God yes!

Wendy and Guyles start to make out. Xavier stops them.

Xavier: What were you saying, Guyles?

Guyles: Only that there must be some force out there that is turning our subtextual relationships into reality.

Xavier: I thought you were going to tell me how great we are together?

Guyles: Well that too.

Xavier and Guyles are just about to make out when...

Twilight: Stop! Wait!

Violet: Oh look! It's Twilight! My secret girlfriend!

Wendy: What? Ew.

Violet: Oh, you're just jealous because you can't make out with her because she's your sister.

Wendy: Again! Ew!

Twilight: No! Wait! Stop! It's all my fault! I used my power as a plot device to start some weird thing from happening here in town like I do every week.

All: Must be Tuesday.

Xavier: You know there's a moral in this story someplace.

Violet: Subtext is fun but it can totally derail a show if taken too seriously?

Xavier: Nooooo. I don't think that's it.

Wendy: We're all so pretty that we should just make out for 40 minutes straight every week?

Xavier: Yep. That's it.

Violet: Oh! And kill the big bad when we get around to it!

Wendy: Always a good thing.

Guyles: It's not even May yet, so we should have time.

All: YAY!

The curtain closes as all the sock puppets begin to make out with each other.

[ooc: Why yes. I am insane. So insane I'm doing OCD for this. Wait please. OCD is up. Yes, I'm strange. Shh. Don't tell anyone.]

jamie madrox, naomi wildman, billy, tori hanson, z delgado, katara, pippi longstocking, isabel evans, john connor, dawn summers, sokka, peter petrelli, james wilson, m parker, summer roberts, neil perry, annette hargrove, 1st floor lobby, river tam, dick casablancas

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