Dorm Hallways, Wednesday After Lunch

Mar 21, 2007 01:51

Valentine had fashioned for himself a paper megaphone and was walking up and down the dorm hallways, shouting 'artistic' directions to everyone he came across ( Read more... )

will vandom, henry jekyll/edward hyde, alec, valentine, sokka, six, naomi wildman, miley stewart, hallways, river tam

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Comments 80

x5_alec March 21 2007, 08:59:48 UTC
Alec leaned out into the hall from his room, yarn wrapped around one hand. "Dude, isn't there a coffee place in town for that sort of thing?"


importantman March 21 2007, 09:04:09 UTC
"I AM RI-" Valentine sniffed and removed the paper megaphone from his lips for a moment. "I am Ricardo Valenteen, and am expecting my assistant to bring my latte to me shortly. I cannot be bothered to get my own... I am an artistic genius at work, here!"
He eyed Alec for a moment, tapping his chin thoughtfully with one finger. "And you... Haven't you been to wardrobe yet? What a disaster."


x5_alec March 21 2007, 09:09:57 UTC
"'Ricardo'?" Alec frowned at the wardrobe comment, looking down at his long-sleeved shirt and khakis. "What's wrong with my clothes?"


importantman March 21 2007, 09:16:50 UTC
"Not believable at all, not one bit. This is a school dorm scene." Valentine sniffed again. Sniffing was in fashion. "There will be teenage females watching, you understand. You need less clothing." He tilted his head in consideration, then nodded, satisfied upon reaching a decision. "Leather pants and a fishnet shirt. THAT will sell! WARDROBE!"


notawitch March 21 2007, 09:14:12 UTC
On her way down to her afternoon forensics class, Will headed out from her dorm room to find a masked figure yelling at people in the hallway.

"Hey, Valentine!" she said cluelessly cheerfully. "How goes the juggling?"


importantman March 21 2007, 09:19:07 UTC
Ah, beautiful metaphor. Valentine didn't recall casting this lovely young lady in his picture, but she seemed intelligent, so perhaps she was one of his writers?
"The juggling is as tedious as ever," he said, waving a hand in the air with a flourish. "It's so difficult to get a good latte around here. How are the rewrites to the seventh scene coming?"


notawitch March 21 2007, 09:21:42 UTC
Will raised an eyebrow at him. Since when did he demand Lattes of people?

"Have you tried going down to J,GOB's? And what rewrites to what seventh scene?"


importantman March 21 2007, 09:27:18 UTC
Valentine laughed. Ah, the sense of humor of the writers never ceased to amaze him.
"I'm too busy to leave the set, of course. We've been filming for months now. I need that seventh scene polished by the end of the week. Deadlines, deadlines!" He gave her a pat on the back. "You know what I asked for. More passion! More romance! Something worthy of having the name 'Valenteen' on it in lights! Get me an Oscar, write me that scene!" He paused in consideration. "If you can bring some humor into it, even better. Perhaps something involving a rubber chicken."
He brought the paper megaphone to his lips again. "PROPS! I NEED A RUBBER CHICKEN!"


ktarian_wildman March 21 2007, 10:44:40 UTC
Naomi had been heading to her room when she stopped and stared, "what's going on?"


importantman March 21 2007, 10:50:19 UTC
"I AM DIREC-" ... Valentine removed the paper megaphone from his mouth. "I am directing a video masterpiece! This one will mean my Oscar for certain! And you!" He pointed a finger at Naomi. "You are in my shot!" He paused and looked at her thoughtfully. "Unless you're the new dancing girl. Where's your Set Etiquette and Protocol certification?"


ktarian_wildman March 21 2007, 10:53:49 UTC
Naomi was confused, "my what?"


importantman March 21 2007, 10:58:19 UTC
"Your I.A.T.S.E. card. I can't let you on my set unless I see it. My insurance doesn't cover people who aren't properly certified." He paused, looking her over again. "Unless you can keep it quiet that you aren't certified. You're a looker- the audience would love you."


moonbrain_tam March 21 2007, 12:00:15 UTC
River was on her way out when she noticed Valentine and waved happily.


importantman March 21 2007, 19:20:19 UTC
Valentine noticed the spunky girl waving to him and considered this motion gravely. She wasn't nearly tired enough to be one of his actors, as this had been a long shoot. Unless she had fantastic stamina... in which case, she was attractive enough to perhaps be a lead.
"HAVE YOU BEEN--" Pause. Lower the paper megaphone. "Have you been to wardrobe yet? We'll be shooting again soon!"


moonbrain_tam March 21 2007, 19:23:34 UTC
Valentine had strange ideas. His mind wasn't working properly and it was very confusing. "I like this dress," River said. "But I can shoot."


importantman March 21 2007, 19:30:11 UTC
Valentine paused again for a moment. She could shoot? She was one of the cameramen, then?
He must have been suffering a moment of insanity hiring her on as a camera operator rather than casting her in his show... But if she said she could shoot, then that was good enough for him.
"Very well, then. I like the hidden cameras. Continue the good work."


henryoredward March 21 2007, 14:11:49 UTC
As Henry walked by, he tried not to stare at Valentine. He did, however, wonder what on earth a "low-fat no-whip soy latte" was.


importantman March 21 2007, 19:22:02 UTC
Henry was not escaping so easily.
"YOU," Valentine didn't bother to lower his paper megaphone this time. "I SENT YOU TO GET ME THAT LATTE HOURS AGO. WHERE IS IT?"


henryoredward March 21 2007, 23:06:05 UTC
Henry started at the sudden attention.
"What?" He shrank back a little. "I- uh- what? I don't know if we've met..?"


importantman March 22 2007, 02:10:25 UTC
"LATTE." Valentine clapped his hands and then pointed insistently down the hallway. "LATTE."


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