Tired of the snow and cold? Well, students and teachers-plus-a-guest have an out! Join us on Spring Break 2011 for an unforgettable trip to Hawaii's
island of adventure!
Your outstandingly extravagant administration is blowing up their trip funds to open a portal for interested invitees to the Kohala Coast, Hawaii, Hawaii for a 7-day, 6-night extravaganza of Awesome at
The Fairmont Orchid. And of course, the whole thing will take place over at
Your admin team will make two posts daily in
fh_trips for island adventuring fun, one set for daytime events and one for evening activities. For all non-group sidetrips, dirty room posts, secluded coves on the beach, etc., the posts go in personal journals.
As far as
accommodations go, guests will be housed in
spacious guest rooms each of which offer a private lanai with a view of the ocean. Adults and students may sign up two (2) to a room. If you have a roommate preference, please make a note in the appropriate thread below by 11PM EST Thursday, February 17th. Otherwise, the most Awesome RNG will make a match! The trip goes from Sunday, February 20th - Saturday, February 26th.
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