random fighty event!

Jan 20, 2010 10:12

Hello Fandom!

This weekend we will be looking forward to an invasion of small, adorable little beasties. Thursday evening, one will accidentally be shipped to Everything But The Monkey and escape its cage and outside to a modded rainstorm. From there, we will have adorable, moddable pets for all Friday through out the day.

Sadly, there is another and far more sinister rain of pie Friday after midnight. And when these creatures are fed after midnight... they get angry. You wouldn't like them when they're angry. Unlike our less dangerous and more annoying gremlins, these new creatures are bent on getting rid of these annoying humans who are living on their new island. That means it's a free for all in fighting or hiding or getting the hell out of Dodge all day and night Saturday.

However, unlike previous invasions, the dorms are fair game to these creatures. The only safe place in town is Caritas.

On Sunday, the FH gremlins are going to get sick of these evil, angry gremlins trying to take away all their entertaining humans and will be putting a stop to it. The way they do it will be a surprise but it will occur that evening so you're free to keep fighting the mean, evil, ugly gremlins until then.

Like previous invasions, feel free to mod your gremlins during your battles. You're welcome to have your character get injured but if anything is going to need medical attention, please let someone on the clinic staff know so they can be prepared. You cannot keep any of the cute, fuzzy Mogwai as pets once the invasion ends.

Have fun fighting!

random events

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