Cabin Info Dump & Sign-Ups

Apr 25, 2009 20:10

It's summer workshop time again and that means the students of Fandom High will be spending a few weeks living in cabins in the preserve and participating in bonding, campfires, and wacky hijinks. No, not bondage, Sam, bonding.

Students will move into the cabins on the first day of Session 1 classes, Monday, May 11, and will remain there until Monday, May 25 when everyone will gather up their stuff and return to the good old dorm rooms until cabin time comes for Session 2.

Graduating seniors who are sticking around this summer (for part or all of the summer) will have their own cabin separate from the rest of the student body.

Teachers will continue to live in their own town residences, lucky people.

Cabin Layouts and Facilities
Cabins are fully equipped with electricity, running water, air conditioning, windows that can be covered, a community bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink, three exits, wireless internet, and a small living area with chairs and a TV. Students are welcome to bring their own electrical equipment from the dorms. The living room is for cabin residents and basic living room etiquette is that you don't go into another cabin's living room without an invitation. Outside the living room door is a small campfire. Etiquette for campfires is like common rooms - come one, come all.

Each cabin is split into two sections of 4 alcoves each. The alcove has a curtain for privacy, but no door and the wall separating one alcove from the one next door only goes 3/4 of the way to the top. It's not very private, which adds to the oddness and fun.

You can see the layout of a standard cabin here.

Sexing in the Cabins
As there are no doors on the alcoves and the walls do not go all the way up to the ceiling, sound travels pretty well in the cabins. Unless you can create a magical sound barrier, everyone in your cabin can hear you if you're getting some action. If you do not want to deal with yelling, flying buckets of cold water, or other retaliatory measures (as entertaining as some of us find that to be!) there are a number of places you can go to get your groove on in private (provided someone hasn't already claimed the space at that time).

- The dorms (but please don't make a habit of going back there every night)
- The preserve (if you don't mind teal deer watching)
- The woods (if you don't mind the bugs watching)
- The abandoned shack (created specifically for things that require privacy)
- Selkie Cove and the beach (yay for sand in uncomfortable places)

Of course, you don't have to go outside your cabin, but again, you might be facing the wrath of your cabinmates if you don't. A little OOC communication about bedtime activities goes a long way.

General Campground Facilities

The campground is located in the Preserve and is similar in set-up to years past. It has a kitchen and dining hall, a small outdoor gymnasium, and a main campfire. There are plenty of secluded places for your secretive and romantic types.

The main campfire is free for everyone to enjoy whenever you'd like provided it's not already being used for something else. The school and town are a short hike away (the Preserve is bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside). There is an abandoned shack a short walk away that's great for sekrit meetings for couples and the shoreline of the island isn't too far away either. There are clearings in the Preserve as well that can be modded as needed.

The gym area is available on site and should be used like the school gym. The kitchen and dining hall are readily available for use as well. The storage locker is for all sporting/workshop/other equipment that you might need.

What about the dorms/school/town?
The dorms are still there, but please don't make a habit of going back to your room unless it's for an important reason (ie: a plot). It's fine to use the first floor and basement facilities as there's hope everyone does laundry at some point (or sends it out, Chuck). However, the IC administration will be unhappy to see students sneaking back to the dorms on a regular basis.

The Danger Shop will still be accessible for workshops and the library will be open at the discretion of the librarian.

Town, of course, is business as usual.

What do I post where?
- Workshops, regardless of the location, should be posted in fandomhigh.
- Campfire posts (like common rooms), any other use of the campground, Preserve or public areas on school grounds should go in fandomhighdorms.
- Cabin posts and alcove posts (like room posts and town residence posts) should go in your character journal.

Sign-Ups: How They Work
Here's how it works. You have the option of being randomly assigned to a cabin on your own or you can sign up with a partner (someone you'd like to share a cabin with). Each cabin has 8 people in it, so once cabin sign-ups close, pairs will be allocated to a cabin and then anyone who's a single will be slotted in as well.

Using the OCD thread below, sign up in pairs with one person commenting to the main thread and the other person commenting collapsey-style beneath the first person to verify that they do want to be partnered up. For example, if Sam and Chuck want to live together for extra happy sex time, Sam would comment first and then Chuck would comment off of Sam's comment saying that yes, they do want live together. Think of it like signing into classes, only in sets of two.

Graduating seniors will have their own cabin with various wings to it (since there are more than 8 people) so they need to pair up with other graduates. Other than that, you can partner up with whoever you want.

Cabin Sign-Up FAQ
Can't I live with the same people I lived with last summer?
Nope. You get to pick one person to live with. After that, it's up to the RNG as to who you end up with. Our goal is to have folks end up with a variety of people to play with.

But what if my character ends up in a cabin with someone they don't like?
Have fun with it. Conflict is just as much fun to play with as everyone getting along. If it's really a problem, then remember it's only for 3 weeks and it's entirely possible to get through that time without even seeing half of your cabinmates.

Can we purposefully sign up a pair who don't like each other, and blame a "paperwork mixup"?
Absolutely, as long as you both agree to it.

Are these IC pairs or OOC pairs?
These are IC pairs that will have handwavily been turned in at the office unless you're planning on a paperwork mix-up.

Can we sign up as a threesome not-dirty or possibly dirty?
Nope, pairs only. It makes it much easier to stick four pairs together for each cabin.

Do I have to pair up with my dorm roommate?

All of my character's friends have graduated/left/been kidnapped by aliens or I'm new so I don't have a partner for them or I don't want to be with anyone in particular. What do I do?
Nothing! If you don't sign up here, we will assign you to a cabin anyway. Everyone has to go to the cabins. This sign-up post is really to give people the opportunity to cling to someone else if they want to rather than relying on the Random Number Generator gods.

Please remember to click here and let us know if your character is going away for Session 1 so they will not be assigned to a cabin.

Sign-ups will close midnight PST, Wednesday May 6 (the midnight directly following 11:59pm Tuesday May 5th).


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