Teachers new and experienced! Teachers young and old! Teachers pie loving and...pie hating!
The teachers' offices are on the second floor of the school building. You can see that layout
here. This has some outdated information on it but I am posting it so everyone can see the layout (and because I am at work and can't actually update that page). The new and current list of offices is
here So teachers without offices, come and check out the floor plan, see which offices are free (the guys from last semester get to keep theirs if they want to) and comment below with what office number you want. I'll add it to the list.
If someone has commented with the number you want before you got to it and you really want it, talk to them about it then let me know what the two of you decide. All new teachers should pick an office number for the sake of OCD continuity.
ETA: There were some teachers lost in the wonders of the school but they have since been found and added to the list.