Spotlight on Fandoms: There is No Such Thing as Too Many Fandoms

Nov 26, 2006 12:15

Most of us in this game come from different branches of the giant gnarled tree that is the online fandom universe. Some of us have fandoms in common, but a lot of us don't. It is inevitable in a game like this though that we start to learn about other fandoms that we might have never looked at otherwise. You start playing with someone from a source you've never heard of before and you pick up an interest. But, what if you can't get your hands on the source material or don't have the time to watch another TV show? You're left with what you can learn by interacting with the characters in the game (or bugging the player for info). Or you can go read fanfic and try to figure out what's canon and what's fanon. Always a fun prospect. *g*

From the other side, it can be hard sometimes when only a handful of people in the game know your canon. There are very few people with whom you can work out plots without a lot of explaining. Also, less people to squee with.

We want to change all that!

Our idea is to have a spotlight on one (or two, depending on interest) fandom(s) a week, starting next weekend. You can talk about any aspect of your fandom that you want: plot, your character, other characters you'd like to see in the game, the creators, history, future speculations, or just stick to a brief overview if you want. Then, people can squee with you or ask questions! All we ask is that you keep any big spoilers that haven't made it into the game already behind a cut and clearly labeled in the post itself.

What we need from you: Volunteers to tell us about your fandom (or fandoms, if you have more than one character). You can get together with any other players who are in your particular fandom and work out who will post what or you can duke it out to decide who gets to make the post (no bloodshed please-- we'd like to keep all of our players).

In order to decide who goes when, we'd use the random number generator to pick one or two and announce them the week before we'd like them to be posted. That would give the volunteer a week to prepare their post. We'd like these to be posted on Sundays since that is the slowest day gamewise.

If anybody want to go first next Sunday, let us know and we'll pick one or two (if more than that volunteers). Otherwise, a couple of us (admins or mods) will go first.

Please comment below if you have an interest in participating. Don't forget to tell us if you'd be willing to go first next Sunday.

spotlight on fandoms

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