We are sad to inform you that Blackadder (
blackadder_nth) is going up for adoption. If you are interested in adopting the character, please fill in the following form and send it to administration @ fandomhigh.net.
The application for adoption shall close on Sunday, October 22 at 12pm EST.
Adoption form:
Player Name:
Player Age:
Contact email:
AIM (if you have it):
Other characters played at Fandom High:
Writing Sample: Please write at least two paragraphs having Blackadder do something, anything, in Fandom. (min. 400 words)
This adoption is open for both current and new players. If you are a new player, please make sure to read the FH handbook (
http://fandomhigh.net/handbook/index.shtml) and the Townie guide (
http://ft-directory.livejournal.com/29843.html) and mention that you have in your adoption email.