Like the last time they covered this topic, a handwavy e-mail was sent round letting the students know to wear clothes they wouldn't mind getting messy. Also like last time, there's a table out by the dear God not lit campfire -- but it's not covered with cream pies. Instead, there's plastic laundry tubs full of multicolored balloons.
Sloshy balloons.
Xander grins as he holds one up. "So today we talk about another valuable position on the team that doesn't get a lot of attention in the pre-title credits -- the
comic relief."
He waves with the balloon. "Last time we did this, we used pies, but since it's a million zillion degrees out and I'd like to live, I decided to listen to my very smart BFF and give you guys something a little less sticky and a little more cool. It still contains the essential ingredient for funny, though: the SPLAT." He tosses it up in the air, and lets it fall down against the ground with a loud, well... splat. Water sprays in all directions.
"So comic relief: that's the guy or girl or...other, I guess, who de-fuses the tension when the group needs it. Or maybe you distract the bad guy while the powerhouses whomp him on the head, or the gun-people get ready to make with the loud shootyness of bangbang.
Sometimes this means you get the quips; sometimes it means you get the pie or the SPLAT. Some people are better at one than the other, and that's fine too - it's always good to know your strengths."
Xander points to himself. "I like to think I'm good with the quippy, but then again, so're most of my friends, so for me, it pays to be well-rounded. I can take a SPLAT to the head with the best of them."
He looks out over the assembled students and grins. "Anybody wanna test me on that?"
Marie looks everywhere but at Xander. She's getting used to the weirdness of Fandom, but throwing water balloons at a teacher, definitely not.
Xander, meanwhile, is looking around the group a little despairingly, since not so much with the comedy types, this time around. He's sure Parker would happily volunteer, but... he's thinking more that if you can't get one extreme, go to the other.
"Marie! Did I see you waving your hand wildly?" he asks, pointing directly at her.
"What? Uh, I... but..." Marie stammers and blushes.
"Seriously -- well, no, not seriously because the whole point is kind of not that -- it's cool. I want somebody to throw a balloon at me." Xander holds up a splooshy purple one and tosses it up and down in his hand.
Marie bites her lip, but stands up, figuring that protesting will cause a bigger scene than just doing what Xander is asking.
"Okay," she says, walking over to him.
"See," Xander addresses the group, "one of the main things that makes something funny is the unexpected. I could pick on, say, Parker, or Zero, and nobody would be too surprised that they're willing to bean me in the head with a water balloon. But who'd expect wee, innocent Marie, here?"
He hands the purple balloon over to her and backs away, whistling. Looking at the sky, like he's toooootally not expecting her to throw something at him.
Marie watches him and stares at the balloon in her hands.
She just can't bring herself to throw it.
"It's okay, really," Xander says, not looking at her. "Any threats of detention I may have made to Jamie were totally just part of the show."
"But doesn't knowing that I'm going to throw it kind of ruin the element of surprise?" Marie asks, still not quite sure if she can bring herself to throw it.
Xander blinks, since, well, yes, she's right, and he doesn't have a very good answer for that.
"Um. Sort of, and in a normal situation somebody wouldn't be expecting it at all, yeah, but I still don't know exactly when..."
... This was too good an opportunity to pass up. From somewhere in the trees, a water balloon came hurtling toward Xander--filled with water, not chocolate syrup. The mysterious water balloon bandit was saving those for special occasions.
Xander stands blinking for a moment, water dripping down his neck from where he was hit on the back of the head.
"Okay, see, that? Was unexpected." He turns to look toward Maries, finally. "How the hell did you pull that--"
Meanwhile, Marie decides to take advantage of Xander's back being turned and lets loose the water balloon in her hand.
Which will probably hit Xander in the face the moment he turns around, if he doesn't get out of the way fast enough.
Yeah, since he thinks the balloon that just hit him was hers? Not so much.
So more with the standing there sopping wet and a face covered in bzuh.
"Thank you for your help with illustrating my point," Xander says, wiping water from his face. "I have no idea how you did it, but thank you."
Since Marie has no idea where that other balloon came from, she doesn't say anything to enlighten Xander, simply smiles and goes back to sit down.
[Preplayed with
touchablemarie and special guest star for great thanks, yay, and also to
willbedone for the weather-related change in activity. Open! Though I'll be afk for a bit due to work, so replies from Xander may be delayed.]