Scoobying Workshop #6, Afternoon 6/27/2006 (Main Campfire)

Jun 27, 2006 10:50

[ Roster]

On the table by the unlighted campfire this time is an array of snacks - but the choices range a wee bit from Xander's usual fare of sweet, sweet, and more sweet with a side order of occasionally-healthy-but-still-sweet. There's some sweet stuff there, but it's surrounded by things like Cinnamon Altoids, mega-sour Warheads, a couple of bags of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, and really, really, really salty licorice.

Xander, his fingers finally de-splinted, waves a hand at the spread. "Help yourselves; it's there if you need a little inspiration for today's activity. Which is a really, really hard one, so you'll need a lot of practice - lemme demonstrate." He pops a piece of salty black licorice into his mouth, and makes a face.

After chewing and swallowing with a grimace, he says, "Words are great; I love words. They're pretty essential for stuff like lying and talking yourself out of kidnap situations. But sometimes on a team, you're just not gonna be able to express yourself in words. Maybe because the bad guys might hear you, or maybe because you know if you open your mouth you're gonna tell your team leader exactly what you think of that plan, and that might not be the brightest thing to do at that moment which never tends to stop me -- but you've got to do something. That's where a repertoire of expressive faces comes in handy."

Xander grabs an Atomic Fireball and drops that in his mouth, then makes another face. "Get the idea? You don't have to use the candy; it's just there if you need it. What I want you guys to do today is talk to each other about anything you want -- but no actual talking. You only get to talk with your face, not your voice."

[OCD up! Play away!]


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