Baking Workshop 5/22, FH Home Ec Classroom, Monday Morning

May 22, 2006 09:58

Piper smiles at the students as they show up at the home ec classroom after handwave hearing some sort of announcement letting them know to meet here.

"I'm Piper in case some of you might not know," she says somewhat cheerfully, handing each student a syllabus.

She points out the plate of brownies on the counter in front of her. "I made these for you because that is what we will be baking today. Try one if you'd like. I'm told I make the best brownies ever." She smiles proudly. "We will not be making the kind I brought in, though. They have a secret ingredient and, if I told you what it is, I'd have to vanquish you and no one wants that."

Piper grins to let them know she isn't serious about the vanquishing. She hands each student a list of ingredients and instructions. "I'm not going to lecture you because this workshop is supposed to be fun. So we're gonna get started right away. These instructions are, hopefully, easy to follow. If any of you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask."

Equipment Needed


8x8 baking pan


mixing spoon

measuring cups

measuring spoons


6 Tablespoons Cocoa

1/4 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1/2 Teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup flour

1 cup toasted pecans (optional)

2 eggs


Melt 1/4 cups of butter in a microwaveable dish.

Measure 6 tablespoons of Cocoa powder into the mixing bowl.

Add melted butter and mix.

Add to Batter (1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/3 cup flour, 1/4 teaspoon salt).

Mix batter.

Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees.

Flour the Pan (cover pan with butter, then add some flour to keep brownies from sticking)

Pour the brownie batter into the dish.

Put the brownies into the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Let them cool until slightly warm.

[ooc: Brownie ingredients and instructions are from here.]


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