Bernadette, Pip
Blank, Martin
Carlyle, Boone
Carson, Bridge - TA's assistant
Chase, Angela
Crichton, John - TA
Ford, James
Gavin, Jake Jr
Hopeless-Savage, Skank Zero
McDonald, Lindsey
Mitchell, Cameron
Potter, Harry
Solo, Han
Stevens, Isobel
Sullivan, Chloe
Today's Junk Food: Seafood of all kinds. Most of it's deep fried. There are also rumballs, because Ted figured he'd get fired if he brought real rum for the kids. For himself? Weeell...
"Afternoon dudes!" Ted greeted. "I'm not going to bore you with a lecture today, so I'll just say a few things. We're learning about songs of the sea. Pirates and sailors sing sea shanties and make up tunes to keep themselves busy on those long voyages. After all, what else would they do?" Ted looked quite innocent as he said this. Please don't tell him what pirates and sailors might do otherwise.
Project: "Anyway, this week's classes are for working on a project. Grab a partner or trio and come up with your own sea shanty. The tune doesn't matter. It just comes along on its own. The lyrics are the important part. You've got today and tomorrow to work on it. Have fun, dudes!"