Sociology Courses | February 15, 2006

Feb 15, 2006 12:48

Sociology of Violence: 2nd Period

Grissom greets the class with a lecture on mass murder.

"Discussion question today. The USA Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a mass murder as the murder of four or more victims at one location, within one event. I'm also going to include spree killing, which is killings at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders, in our discussion.

I want you to choose one category of mass murder:
# 1 mass murder by individuals
# 2 mass murder by terrorists
# 3 mass murder by a state
# 4 mass murder in warfare

and define the term, by numbers, for yourself. Do you think an individual who kills three people should be considered a mass murderer? Or how about during warfare?"

Sociology of the Paranormal: 6th Period

Grissom waits for his class to enter, and then literally sits on top of his desk.

"Okay guys. Before we start the next unit, I need ask you a question. Whether from personal experience, or just your general beliefs, please answer this -

What happens to you after you die?"


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