Sociology Courses | January 16, 2006

Apr 15, 2005 15:03

Sociology of Violence: 2nd Period

Grissom hands everyone an article to read skim when they come in ( Read more... )


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PARANORMAL: GROUP THREE drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:13:04 UTC
aroseintime, fates_jaye, chasingangela

You will be performing the The Maximum Density Test. I have the blenders right here, you may use my desk as a Work Station. Go through the drawers if you want, but don't find anything too dirty, although whatever is in there would freak Jaye out, bien sur.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP THREE fates_jaye January 16 2006, 20:29:04 UTC
Jaye would totally NEVER EVER DREAM of going through those drawers, kthnx, and she's closing her eyes and not listening if anyone else does.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP THREE chasingangela January 16 2006, 20:58:53 UTC
Angela looks at Jaye "So who in this class do you think would drink a liquid Twinkie?" she whispers.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP THREE aroseintime January 16 2006, 21:25:29 UTC
Rose cringes at the thought.


PARANORMAL: GROUP FOUR drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:13:49 UTC
cookinggeek, demonbelthazor, imac_kenzie

You will be performing The Gravitational Response Test.

The elevator is to your left when you walk out of the lab. Take it to the top of the building. And don't peg anyone with a Twinkie unless you can find someone to peg, then go for it, Grissom will totally get you out of trouble, Syd and Archie are around and potential, willing victims.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FOUR demonbelthazor January 16 2006, 20:34:32 UTC
Bel grinned at the assignment and waited for his partners to show up.

[OOC: Will not be online between 5:00 - 6:00 PM EST, but other than that am around for twinkie hijinks.]


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FOUR cookinggeek January 16 2006, 20:56:40 UTC
Piper is not at all happy about destoying innocent baked goods. She may have even been flailing.

"How's Phoebe?" she asked Bel while waiting for Mac to show up.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FOUR demonbelthazor January 16 2006, 21:10:44 UTC
"She's doing okay," Bel said. "Doctor Wilson said she may have a scar on her leg but there was no muscle damage, so she'll be able to walk and everything." He looked relieved. "Hopefully she'll be coming home today."


PARANORMAL: GROUP FIVE drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:14:19 UTC
walter_n_wires, dorky_broots, lovelylana

You will be performing the The Rapid Oxidation Test. You are at Work Station #3, closes to the emergency shower and eye wash. Just in case you set yourselves on fire.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FIVE lovelylana January 16 2006, 20:23:47 UTC
Lana collects her materials and goes to the correct workstation. In case we set ourselves on *fire*? she thinks. She reads through the information and can't keep herself from giggling.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FIVE dorky_broots January 16 2006, 20:48:29 UTC
"Hey." Broots sat down next to Lana and quickly read the instructions. "This sounds cool, we waiting for someone else?"


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP FIVE lovelylana January 16 2006, 20:50:07 UTC
"Walter, I guess, but there's no reason we can't set out some stuff. Like separating the, um 'control" Twinkie from the others." She can't help the grin.


PARANORMAL: GROUP SIX drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:14:57 UTC
courier_gavin, banikslaveboy, and oatmanspatient

You will be performing The Intelligence Test. You may use each other or any one you see fit as test subjects.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP SIX oatmanspatient January 16 2006, 21:34:04 UTC
Marty sits down and waits for his group members to arrive. He decides to go ahead and work on the first part of the test and ask the twinkie questions.

"What would you describe as the purpose of your existence?" he asked the Twinkie.


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP SIX oatmanspatient January 16 2006, 21:35:46 UTC
Getting no response he moved ahead to the next question.

"Describe where the other subject is, relative to you."


Re: PARANORMAL: GROUP SIX oatmanspatient January 16 2006, 21:38:49 UTC
Again with the non-reponse. Marty carefully wrote this down.

"Describe the last meal you ate," he said to the twinkie.


After Class | 1/16 drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:16:14 UTC
(As usual, for out of class interaction, out of character interaction, and Twinkie robbery.)


OOC upforachase January 16 2006, 20:29:45 UTC
Is Phoebe in classes, or is she too injured?


Re: OOC lovelylana January 16 2006, 20:31:14 UTC
I'm almost positive she's out of classes for today.


Re: OOC drgrissom January 16 2006, 20:31:37 UTC
You know, I forgot all about that. (I haven't caught up from this weekend.)

I'll try and track her down, and if she isn't coming, Grissom will be your partner *mwa, ha ha*


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