Coping With Change - Tuesday, Period One

Aug 02, 2016 08:11

Cecil smiled at the class and waited for them to take their seats before starting.

"Hello again, everyone. Mostly so far we've been talking about identifying changes and the sorts of them there are. Today, we're going to talk about a specific type of coping - seeking help. A lot of times when you're trying to cope with change, you have to remember it's not as if you're alone in the world. Well, no more than usual. Unless of course the entire world is all just a construct of each of our imaginations. But if that's the case, it's all just you, right? So there's nothing to worry about!"

Cecil beamed; that was good news, wasn't it? "Assuming that the world does exist, though, and the other people in it, you're not alone! So if you're having trouble with a change, you can ask for help! There's probably all kinds of people that are willing to help out, and some of them might even be useful. Change can be a lot easier with the right support structure. You just have to know it's there and lean on it."

//I don't know what sort of support structure you have outside of this classroom, but... I do know how strong the friendships that can form around here have the potential of being,// Jono offered, leaning back against his desk, arms crossed in front of himself. //A few of you might have family you can turn to, bearing in mind that people don't need to be blood to be family. Who you trust enough to lean on is completely up to you, of course, but no small number of you should have somebody.//

He could say something about how they deserved that much. Hell, he could once again stress that he was here to listen if anybody needed to talk. But with this particular group...

Eh. It would be seen as blowing sunshine up their arses, and apparently there had been more than enough sunshine this week already. He shrugged, and then looked back to Cecil.

"The thing is just not to lean too hard. Metaphorically, I mean. Well, or literally, either, just in case. Anyway, tell us about a time you asked for help and got it. Or when you didn't and should have. Or when you did and someone was a real jerk and didn't help, even though your life would've been so much easier if they did. And maybe we can share ways of asking for help that work, or offer each other help if we need it!"

//Same as always,// Jono continued. //Share what you're comfortable, or just... think about it if you aren't. I know I wouldn't have survived this long without people to lean on, and the people who really care about you won't think you're being as annoying or as needy as you might be afraid you are. If you need a friend... you need a friend. They'll get that.//

[OOC: Open!]

coping with change

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