Fandom High Welcome Picnic, Front Lawn of the School, All Day: Part I

Aug 29, 2015 02:53

Everyone might have been getting ready for the fall semester, but it was definitely still summertime in Fandom. The temperature was high, the wind was low, and it was only going to get hotter once everyone arrived.

There were chairs and tables set out around the lawn, some in shady spots and some out in the sun, and there was a long table of ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Comments 462

Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2015] bigdamndean August 29 2015, 06:54:29 UTC
Please don't break them too early, or the first weird rainstorm won't be nearly as fun.


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2015] tigerundercover August 29 2015, 07:23:45 UTC
Raven was sure to end up topless for "tradition"'s sake by the end of the picnic, but she didn't want to scare off her latest little sib too quickly. So for the time being she was mimicking a perfectly classy blue and white number, complete with mimicked name tag to make her easier to recognize if her new sib spotted her first.


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2015] halfaclink August 29 2015, 12:50:54 UTC
"Just to lay out a ground rule, I will not stand for any noogies. They're disrespectful and could cause me to spill my drink," Frank said right after spotting Raven's nametag. "If you can agree to that, then I'm Frank, your little sibling."

And yes he was holding a drink. That should be a given by now.


Re: Meet Your Big/Little Sibling [Fall 2015] tigerundercover August 29 2015, 14:33:23 UTC
This was going to be very interesting. "Good to know," Raven said. "But who would you be if I didn't agree to it?"


Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2015] bigdamndean August 29 2015, 06:57:45 UTC
Current students who had been assigned new rooms and/or roommates had been handwavily informed of the change, but the list had been posted for everyone to see at one of the tables:

202: Alluka Zoldyck and Mabel Pines
206: April and Isabela
315: Mara Jade and Merrill
322: Anders and Dante
420: Gary Unwin and Xanthippe Voorhees
426: Frank Doyle and Maria DeLuca
508: Kathy Li and Raven Darkholme


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2015] spin_kick_snap August 29 2015, 07:45:50 UTC
Kathy didn't have a little sibling this time around, but she did have a new roommate. One she needed to have a word with, apparently. "Okay," she said, pointing at Raven. "How is it you were the one going on and on about upholding important Fandom traditions, but I'm the one in a bikini today?"


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2015] tigerundercover August 29 2015, 07:54:15 UTC
"Because I'm the one with a new little sibling I'm trying not to traumatize," Raven said, grinning. "We'll match later, I promise."


Re: Meet Your Roommate [Fall 2015] spin_kick_snap August 29 2015, 07:58:22 UTC
"This is entirely unfair," Kathy said, folding her arms over her chest and unsuccessfully fighting off a blush. "For...reasons. That I will inform you of just as soon as I think of them. Just know they exist."

Granted, she was wearing a shirt over her bikini, but still! She was going to feel vastly under-dressed until she saw other people wearing a similar lack of clothing.


Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2015] bigdamndean August 29 2015, 06:58:58 UTC
They're the responsible adults of this whole get together. Ahahaha!


RE: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2015] age_of_the_geek August 29 2015, 07:25:03 UTC
So, apparently Hardison had been here long enough to be given a teaching buddy of his own. So long as he didn't get another robot, he figured he'd be okay. Especially since he recognized the name Didi from broadcasts, so it wasn't like he'd have to explain the whole island.

Thank god.

So rather than hunting down some poor, innocent new teacher and hopefully getting to them before the crazy could, Hardison figured he'd have plenty of time to get a plate of snacks and chat with people while keeping a weather eye out for his new buddy.

...And possibly get some idea of what to tell his new buddy that wasn't just geeking out over how awesome the Danger Shop was.


Re: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2015] living_endless August 29 2015, 12:02:46 UTC
"Oh,hi," Didi said casually as she sauntered up to Hardison, offering a hand to shake. "Hardison, right? You get to tell me all about how amazing teaching here is."

She ... actually wasn't being sarcastic.


RE: Re: Meet Your Teachers [Fall 2015] age_of_the_geek August 29 2015, 12:10:25 UTC
"Hey," Hardison said, taking her hand. She didn't seem like a robot. Excellent. "That's me. Nice to meet you, Didi." He knew there was something about her that set Eliot on edge a bit, but whatever it was, he wasn't seeing it. "Yo, fair warning, I start down that road an' I'm likely to end up in a geek-spiral about how cool the tech in the Danger Shop is," he said with a laugh. "You ever teach before?"

She looked a little young, but then, so did he.

On the other hand, he really hadn't ever taught before.


OOC [Fall 2015] bigdamndean August 29 2015, 07:00:27 UTC
Behold, pumpkin season will soon be upon us in full!


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