Fandom High Yearbooks, 2014-2015

Apr 29, 2015 15:58

Before graduation because let's not leave out grads who've already left Fandom High yearbooks had been delivered and passed out to all the students and teachers of the school. The normal school sections were covered with information on classes, clubs, and dorm life, but then there were the Fandom-only sections on invasions, life at Fandom as an animal, really damn weird shit, and the town -- where no drinking age exists. The yearbook was moddably comprehensive and likely to make every student smile with the good memories and shudder at the embarrassing ones.


OOC: Yearbooks! Approved by the admins for posting, this one is just like previous years' yearbooks, with bonus refresher rules stolen from electrocynic, who ganked it from life_inshadow, who snagged them from notlikejack in a mass chain of stolen memes and ideas, bwahaha!

Here's how this goes:

1. Comment with your character's name
2. Other characters will comment leaving notes, messages, drawings, comments that they put a mustache on Topher's picture, etc.
3. This is all IC. How the signing occurs is totes handwavy, but a character can read all the comments in his yearbook.
4. While your character can totally leave an 'anonymous note' in a yearbook, anonymous commenting is NOT on so characters should probably either sign their names - or not. :D
5. EEEEEE Yearbooks!


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