Mad Kings & Queens: Raving Royals and How To Survive Them (Wednesday, 2nd Period)

Feb 03, 2015 22:41

As the students came in today, they would find that Ghanima had gotten rid of the desks in favor of huge pillows tossed about the room, and a large television at the front of the room.

"Right then," Ghanima said cheerfully. "I decided that since you've all been so busy lately, and are probably thinking about snowball-related revenge, we'll be watching Wildcat in Snow. None of them are, technically, mad, unless you count the lust for power as a madness. Horribly clever, most of them, which is part of the problem."

"As you've learned, the lines of succession can cause problems," Ghanima continued. "Sometimes rulers behead potential rivals. Sometimes they lock them up. And sometimes, it is not always clear who is next in line."

"Henry the Second of England. Eleanor of Aquitaine. King Philip the Second of France. Three of the most powerful people in the world. Add in three would-be players, and a hapless pawn or two, and you've got a dynastic battle of the highest order."

"So get comfortable, enjoy the movie, and chat amongst yourselves. Is this madness? Or just good-old-fashioned family squabbling on a much larger scale? After all, it's not just the family silver at stake - it's two countries, and the entire balance of power in the 'civilized'--" and if you thought you heard air-quotes around that word, you were totally right. "--world."

[OOC: The OCD loves being king!]

mad kings & queens

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