The Danger Shop looked like the interior of a warehouse today, so things were a little different. There was also a table with your weapons of choice, so they weren't that different
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Listen to the LectureamthenightApril 14 2014, 04:04:14 UTC
You'll note that Batman didn't offer much additional advice on fighting the boss. That's because the only advice he would give is simple: fight him like you fight the rest of the ninjas, but better.
Fight Ninjas with a BossamthenightApril 14 2014, 04:11:58 UTC
You'll be facing three ninjas at the same time plus an armored boss of their level. Choose your difficulty:
Choose your opponent:
Beginner: White Ninja, hand to hand combat. Intermediate: Gray Ninja, begins with nunchucks. Expert: Black Ninja, begins with a katana blade.
Boss: Will be colored and armed the same as his ninjas, but he's also wearing samurai armor. Body parts exposed include the face, lower legs, hands, and joints.
The ninjas are fully moddable. Their weapons can be knocked/taken away if you're good enough. The goal is to find a group that gives you a good, intense workout. If you overshoot your abilities, you'll get your butt kicked and should step back. If you beat the ninjas easily, try again at a higher difficulty.
Re: Fight Ninjas with a BossgenesisheroApril 14 2014, 13:51:51 UTC
Today was going to be a Gray Ninja day for Evan, who was slightly tired after a night of ceiling-gazing and was going to use the intermediate level as a warm-up before then jumping to expert.
Katana blades versus metal blade-hands. It would be an interesting fight.
Comments 11
Choose your opponent:
Beginner: White Ninja, hand to hand combat.
Intermediate: Gray Ninja, begins with nunchucks.
Expert: Black Ninja, begins with a katana blade.
Boss: Will be colored and armed the same as his ninjas, but he's also wearing samurai armor. Body parts exposed include the face, lower legs, hands, and joints.
The ninjas are fully moddable. Their weapons can be knocked/taken away if you're good enough. The goal is to find a group that gives you a good, intense workout. If you overshoot your abilities, you'll get your butt kicked and should step back. If you beat the ninjas easily, try again at a higher difficulty.
Katana blades versus metal blade-hands. It would be an interesting fight.
So much care taken to protect themselves, just to leave their faces uncovered. Huh.
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