Library, Wednesday, All Day

Aug 21, 2013 05:52

Special Collections was back to behaving itself today, which Sholeh was very grateful for. The last thing she needed today was to do battle with a door again. The books seemed content to behave themselves today, too, which was a pleasant change. She was almost on the verge of thinking things were too pleasant, when the fashion magazines took off ( Read more... )


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Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 21 2013, 12:01:48 UTC
Yeul paused for a moment at the door to the library and surveyed the flying magazines calmly before entering anyway, heedless of them.

"Hello, Sholeh!" she called cheerfully. "Has the library been very active today?"


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 21 2013, 14:21:14 UTC
"Yeul!" Have a merry grin, would you? Sholeh was quite pleased to see you today! So pleased that she didn't even mind the magazine that flopped onto her head.

Shoving it off her head and onto the floor, she waved Yeul over. "It's pretty much been like this since I came in, but nothing I can't handle. How've you been? How goes your semester?"


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 21 2013, 14:36:00 UTC
She laughed softly, at the antics of the magazine and at Sholeh’s enthusiasm both. “I have no doubts that you can handle it, you’re an experienced library aide, after all!” Making her way over to Sholeh, Yeul ignored the magazines that fluttered around her head. “It is nice to see you so cheerful! I am quite well and my semester will be over tomorrow. How has your semester been going?”


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 21 2013, 20:46:15 UTC
"Quiet," Sholeh said, quite happy to have it be so. "Zhari's taking a cooking class that makes her very happyand I got into Mr. Dracula's class on monsters." She paused before adding, "Evan's a TA for that class."

Blushing? Who was blushing? Certainly not Sholeh!

"That wasn't why I wanted into the class, of course. But it was very nice anyway."


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 21 2013, 23:22:01 UTC
"Of course not," Yeul said, smiling. "But it's pleasant to see someone you get along with do well in class, isn't it?"

That was surely the reason for her not-blushing! Or Yeul was teasing her, very gently.

"I'm glad Zhari's happy with her class," she added. "Do you like the one on monsters?"


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 21 2013, 23:30:47 UTC
"I do," Sholeh said, blushing again, but this time for very different reasons. "It's nice to be in a class where monsters aren't considered to be, well, monsters."


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 21 2013, 23:35:15 UTC
"I am glad that class exists," she said sincerely. "For your sake and any other student who needs that reassurance."

She was glad, too, that Evan was TA of it.


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 22 2013, 03:38:46 UTC
Sholeh peeked up and smiled at Yeul again. "Do you believe in monsters?"


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 22 2013, 11:47:26 UTC
"There are many things that can be meant with that term," Yeul said, taking the question seriously. "A person who does terrible, horrible things can be called a monster. And in my world, the vast majority of wildlife is frequently named under the catch-all of 'monster' because they are dangerous and attack humans."

She shrugged slightly. "But being different is not… how do differences make someone a monster? I am different from you and you are different from Evan and Evan is different from everyone else. Differences do not make someone or something a monster."


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 22 2013, 19:47:15 UTC
"Not many people believe that," Sholeh said softly. "It's easy to sort the people like you into 'Us' and then the people not like you into 'Them.' If you can call them something inhuman, all the better, because then it means that you don't have to treat them humanely. But what about people who aren't human, but aren't dangerous, either? I mean, we're not. The Tryad, I mean. We're demons, but we're...nice ones?"

That sounded stupid, even to her.


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 22 2013, 20:34:35 UTC
Yeul didn’t think it was stupid.

“I believe that,” she said quietly. “I cannot change the minds of others. When I look at people, Sholeh, I treat them kindly because everyone deserves kindness.” Yeul leaned against the desk and looked thoughtful. “You and your sisters may not be human, may be demons, but you’re still people and deserve to be treated as such.”

So she did. To Yeul, it was that simple.

“I am sorry for how other people have treated you,” she added, “and sorry, too, for the fear that lingers that other people will treat you all poorly in the future. I cannot change how your lives may go, or who will be kind and who will be cruel.” Not that she would, even if she could. Yeul… let things fall as they would. “All I have is my reassurance is that I see you, all of you, as people and will treat you as such.”


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 22 2013, 23:29:56 UTC
"And that's why you're such a good friend," Sholeh said. "Maybe even my best friend." She ducked her head. "That isn't too forward is it?"

=Hey!= Zeela protested. =What about us!=

::You're sisters, silly,:: Sholeh said. ::That's closer than anyone else.::


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 22 2013, 23:42:01 UTC
"Not too forward," Yeul said, sounding touched and smiling. "I am very happy that you feel that way." She'd never had something like a best friend before!

"I can only hope I do not let you down."


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 22 2013, 23:55:34 UTC
Neither had Sholeh! At least, other than her sisters!

...Was this when the slumber parties and pillow fights started? Sholeh wasn't entirely sure of the formalities.

"I don't think you can," she replied, rather frankly. "I don't think that's how friendship works. Not unless either of us changes."


Re: Talk to Sholeh pulseof_life August 23 2013, 00:01:30 UTC
Maybe they could make up the formalities as they went? Or look in books! They were surrounded by them, after all. Surely one or two was clear on how friendship changed once it levelled up to best-friendship.

"If that is the case then I think we'll be all right," she said agreeably, grinning a bit. "Though, in saying so, perhaps we're trying our luck?"


Re: Talk to Sholeh 3girls_1core August 23 2013, 00:13:58 UTC
Sholeh saw no problem about looking up the rules of best friendship in books. It seemed perfectly logical to her!

"Point," she said, wrinkling her nose. "Perhaps we should agree here and now that personality changes brought on by Fandom being Fandom don't count?"

Though she reserved the right to avoid you if you ever became a vampire and killed her, Yeul. It's just a thing.


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