Conflict Management for Dummies, Thursday, Third Period

Aug 16, 2013 02:49

"Greetings, grasshoppers," Oz said as his class arrived in the classroom. "We're coming up on our final class together, which means it's time for you to get your final assignment, and it's a doozy." Which was always so comforting coming from Oz.

"In front of each of you is a slip of paper with a name. I want you to read that name, memorise it, and not tell anyone else what it is. Eat it if you feel that will preserve the mystery. You can look at your slips, now." Once the class had had a chance to, Oz continued. "Your assignment is in two parts, the first part is to plan and execute a prank against the person who's name was on your slip of paper before next week's class, preferably while remaining anonymous. It doesn't have to be a big one, and nothing dangerous, but something that will clearly be a prank to its victim. Clear?"

"The second part of your assigment is to plan your retaliation. You won't actually be carrying it out so escalate as far as you want. In fact over the top and overly complex plans are encouraged. Then in our final class you will present this plan for revenge and name you you believe the guilty party is. You will get extra marks for either correctly naming the guilty party or avoiding blame. You do both? Then you win at pranks."

"One final thing, you want to team up to get our victim? I' not going to stop you, just remember, you don't know who you're supposed to be the victim of."

conflict management

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