Jackson got to the gym early. He took his mission of establishing a sports team in Fandom pretty seriously, see. That involved making something of an effort, and showing up early to check out the competition (yes, he viewed the other clubs as competition, deal with it) was the least he could do.
He grabbed a copy of
the club schedule for himself
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And if one were to shoot over towards Victor, Olive would certainly look very, very innocent. Very.
For someone with a pile of rubber bands on her table, so. You know. Not that innocent.
Except oops, she had a pile of rubber bands. So.
He felt around on the floor until he found the one that had hit him and shot it back towards her. Because apparently he was precisely that mature.
[OOC: So last night was date night & today I will be AFK at Renn Faire until the evening, but SP is a thing? As is handwaving.]
Description: A guaranteed weekly leisure hour to explode things and clone gremlins without your roommate complaining. (Note: not all meetings will involve explosions or gremlins. Fortunately.)
Club heads: Evan Sabahnur, Liara T'Soni and Topher Brink
Faculty adviser: GLaDOS
Day of the Week: Monday
Liara had proposed some kind of scientific club to the school, and apparently she had not been the only one, and... well.
Here she was, looking fidgety. She hadn't realized recruitment would be partly her responsibility.
Hi, Liara! Not a bad time to actually meet one of the other people running this club with you, right?
Description: Come hang out in your pajamas. We'll usually be eating cereal and watching something trashy on TV. Sometimes we'll have kind of a spa pajama day, involving face masks and doing our nails or whatever, but mostly, this is about being comfy and relaxed in a totally school-sanctioned way.
Club head: Olive Penderghast
Faculty adviser: Jaye Tyler
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Not in pajamas. It should be noted.
[sp from me until about 3 pm EST!]
Description: A weekly time to come and train your powers and abilities in a safe and challenging environment. Non-mutants are welcome to join! Begrudgingly.
Club heads: Billy Kaplan and Evan Sabahnur
Faculty adviser: Magneto
Day of the Week: Wednesday
He'd be running back and forth between this table and the science club one, looking slightly flaily, every few minutes or so. Club fair! Things to do!
The excitement might very well be the end of him, at this rate.
There were some people who didn't think this was a good idea. Not the club itself, but its advisors.
"There wasn't...anyone else available?" she asked Evan. "Anyone? At all? Did you check with Fosse, the janitorial troll?"
Description: It's a lacrosse club. For playing lacrosse. Because Jackson needs lacrosse in his life. NEEDS IT.
Club head: Jackson Whittemore
Faculty adviser: THOR ODINSON
Day of the Week: Thursday
And he was wearing a Beacon Hills Lacrosse t-shirt, too, as he sat behind the desk, looking relaxed but slightly critical as he surveyed the gym. He wanted an athletic bunch for this club.
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