Umbridge High School Building, Saturday Evening

Jul 28, 2012 08:48

There were some clouds hanging around the spires of Umbridge High School, but not enough; there was an overlaying sense that there shouldn't be as much sunlight shining down on it as there was.

It was quiet. Kind of. There was tension in the air, a wound-up strung-up thing that ensnared the school. Somehow it seemed as if even the birds didn't ( Read more... )

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The Library nomutineer July 28 2012, 12:53:30 UTC
The brain of Umbridge's empire - or at least the memory - was the library, stocked to the brim with books... and at this point, probably alerted loyalists.


Re: The Library - The Assault darkheritage July 29 2012, 02:12:17 UTC
It did take a few seconds for Cassie to be able to do spells, so Ender did indeed have time to hit Cassie.

She had a moment to feel shock at the idea of someone getting close to her, and then she crumpled in a heap.


Re: The Library - The Assault gameinprogress July 29 2012, 02:17:13 UTC
All Ender could think of was that if he let her get up again, she'd probably end him - those blasts had already scorched part of his shirt.

So he brought the wood down a few more times against her head. Had to get her to stay down-- just enough to get her to stay down.

Or maybe not.


Re: The Library - The Assault auroryaustralis July 28 2012, 15:15:36 UTC
This was really not very...Rory. Seriously. Like, this was some Stephen Seagal-level dramatic action movie stuff. In a way, she was fangirling, but more importantly, she was worried she was going to break something. Not the glass. Her neck.

But she couldn't turn back. Anakin would have wanted her to go through, and it was that thought that had her grabbing her rope and swinging in behind Bruce and Ender.

And besides, what would they do without her? She had all their water and granola bars.

Once she was in, Rory immediately rolled under cover. She wasn't a fighter -- she was defense, and she knew it. While she had a gun, her primary goal was to start securing the library while the others fended off anything they might have swung into.


Re: The Library - The Assault willbevengeance July 28 2012, 15:54:10 UTC
Bruce made note to track Rory as she made her way in and was glad to see she reached a secure spot quickly. She was most useful to his plans as their emergency escape, but even without that, you know, she had the granola bars and water.

She needed to be kept safe. CLEARLY.


Re: The Library - The Assault exactlyaverage July 28 2012, 15:37:52 UTC
Jack was not a fan of heights.

There was a lot of hesitation at the edge of the skylight.

But after Rory went through and down into the fray, well... it was time for a 40 year old man in a teenaged cloned body to nut up and jump down into the library.

He screamed like a girl all the way down.


Re: The Library - The Assault willbevengeance July 28 2012, 15:56:43 UTC
"Good thing this wasn't a stealth entrance," Bruce muttered to himself. "Csrter. You okay?"


Re: The Library - The Assault exactlyaverage July 28 2012, 16:04:00 UTC
It was totally a battle cry, Bruce. Really.

Jack held up his finger as if to say give me a moment. Jack then took a brief second to push his nausea and focus at the task at hand.

"I'm fine," he said stealing his nerve and pulling out his gun. "Let's do this."


Re: The Library - The Assault whatafuture July 28 2012, 16:07:27 UTC
William had used windows as entry points before... he just usually opened them first.

Although really, he supposed Bruce had done that, after a fashion.


Re: The Library - The Assault survivorjello July 28 2012, 20:50:36 UTC
Even if Kate hadn't been pretty much seeing everything through a haze of grief and rage all day long, she probably wouldn't have managed any awe at the novelty of entering through a window, anymore.

Her landing could have gone better than it did, but she barely noticed the minor bit of pain that came from tumbling down. She was immediately getting to her feet and drawing out the knife she'd managed to get yesterday to replace her old one.

Yeah, she was here to hurt anyone who tried to get in their way.


The Library - Aftermath nomutineer July 28 2012, 12:57:00 UTC
After the library is secured.


Re: The Library - Aftermath auroryaustralis July 28 2012, 15:33:38 UTC
Rory had set up a little mini-camp behind the circulation desk. She'd emptied her backpack of their supplies, laying out the food and water rations she'd brought, and had immediately set to seeing what resources she had available to her.

There were the books, of course. She didn't know exactly what to look for, but it wasn't going to hurt. And as she headed back from the stacks and set her books back down, she pulled her phone from her pocket, seeking out Kitty's number.

We're in.


Re: The Library - Aftermath willbevengeance July 28 2012, 16:00:54 UTC
Once everything was settled with the entrance and defenders, Bruce started barking orders. "We need to start moving these tables to block the door! See if there's anything we can do to secure the other windows! I want to limit all entrance to the library to the window we came in through. We can control the flow of people through that."


Re: The Library - Aftermath auroryaustralis July 28 2012, 17:33:10 UTC
"I've got duct tape!" Rory called out, brandishing several rolls from her backpack. "For...sealing the windows, I guess? We can break stuff and tape it over?"

The important thing was that she'd brought it, right?


Re: The Library - Aftermath willbevengeance July 28 2012, 17:44:20 UTC
"Give me a couple of those," Bruce said. Not to be pushy or anything.

"Good planning. This place will be locked up tight."

Because if you ever wanted to secure something, just give Bruce Wayne some duct tape and be amazed.


Re: The Library - Aftermath auroryaustralis July 28 2012, 18:03:33 UTC
She would forgive a lapse in manners, considering the circumstances. Rory tossed over a couple rolls of the tape. "I had a hunch," she said dryly.


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