Feb 09, 2012 15:27
Another week, another class. It was sort of horrifying how Electroclash was finding herself falling into a routine with this thing. Wasn't she supposed to hate it with all her heart and soul?
Eh. The SPA instructions were still a pain in the arse, at least. And she was having to consult them anyway. "Our esteemed friends at the Super Powers Authority," she drawled, once everyone had come in, "have decided to divide this class into --" Finger quotes. "-- 'thematic subcategories' because that's supposed to make you brats find it easier to learn or something." She wasn't sure if it was working but hey, she didn't care! "So, what your thick skulls are supposed to have learned up until now is superhero basics. Names, costumes, teaming up, all that exhilaratingly fun stuff. Now, we're gonna move on to what I consider to be the most important section of this course, and that's superhero problems."
Of which there were many. Though some of them may have only been problems in her view, but then wasn't encouraging healthy debate supposed to be a good thing for young learners, or some shit like that?
Electroclash leaned back in her chair and mourned not being able to prop her be-gogo-booted feet up on the desk for fear of flashing minors. "And we're going to start off easy because I don't feel like doing a lot of work today." What a surprise. "So, I want you lot to tell me what you think might be some basic superhero problems. And if you get it wrong I will laugh at you but it probably won't affect your grade, so don't worry, suck-ups." She pointed to a student at random. "You. Go first."
[OCD up!]