Apathy Club, This Club Has No Point To It, What's She Going On About Now?, Friday

Nov 19, 2010 15:18

George was going to pretend last week didn't happen. Maybe everyone else would play along.

"Okay," George said. "I don't know how many of you will even be here next week. It's Thanksgiving. It's a stupid holiday where people eat a lot to celebrate some settlers and some native people having a nice harvest, blah blah blah. The thing is, it's bullshit. The settlers spent the next few decades massacring the native peoples and taking their land and giving them blankets with smallpox. Although I think that last part might have been accidental? Anyway. Holidays suck. Especially bullshit propaganda holidays. And most of them are."

Especially if you were a bitter teenager who was convinced The Man was out to get you.

But, you know. This was apathy club.
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