Demolition and Dynamite; Friday, Third Period [ 11/19 ].

Nov 19, 2010 08:51

Coming into class today, Kūkaku was in another one of those good moods that suggested that something might be up, hinted at in the slight smirk that kept creeping up on her face as she talked.

"Considerin' it's in the the title of the class," she started, "I realized we really haven't touched a lot on dynamite this semester, most importantly, how to make it and how to use it to blow through a lot of shit that might be in your way. Dynamite is an important industrial explosive used in blasting out dam sites, canal beds, mines, quarries, and the foundations of large buildings. It’s also used for demolition in warfare, blah blah blah, all that good information about that dynamite's really good for a really big explosion and basically movin' mountains. The main ingredient is nitroglycerin, and ya mix it with some other stuff, so we're gonna go over the chemistry, and then we're gonna put some together, and then we're heading to the danger shop. I'm sure you're all jus' so surprised."

And so she launched into the usual diagrams and chemical ratios and comments about how improper amounts would turn up blowing off your limbs to make you some one-armed freak or something or blowing up your face to the satisfaction of everyone else around you. You always had to get to that part before the good stuff came along.

[[ wait for the OCD is up! ]]

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