"Okay," Kūkaku said, at the front of the class room and looking over the students, "I've mentioned in the past two weeks that one of my specialties is fireworks; I can light up the fucking sky like it's the end of the world, so believe me when I say this with the utmost disgust. Fireworks in this place can really fucking suck. I don't think half the shit they sell as fireworks should even count. But that's what we're talking about today.
And, since it was Kūkaku's specialty, there was certainly a lot of it to be talked about. Going over the different kinds, the popular shapes, the history, but, most important, the how-tos:
chemical reactions,
construction, so on and so forth. How to make all those pretty colours and shapes and blah blah blah.
But, of course, everyone had to know that Kūkaku would only talk so long before she let things get explody and fun. "Alright. Got all that stuff? If not, go ahead and ask me questions on the way to the Danger Shop. There's no way I'm starting you all out on straight up fireworks so soon, but what we do have is a
shit ton of crappy commercial fireworks waiting for us, and I'm gonna show you how to take what we talked about today to
make them suck less. So, come on, to the Danger Shop!"
[[ please wait forM the slow OCD is up! ]]
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