Fandom High Welcome Picnic, Front Lawn of the School, All Day: Part I

Aug 28, 2010 03:12

It might have been the start of the fall semester, but it was definitely still summer in Fandom. The sun was shining and the temperature was already starting to get high, even as the NPC crew set things up for the day ( Read more... )

welcome picnic

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Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] bigdamndean August 28 2010, 12:26:57 UTC
Next to all of the informational tables was another table, filled with friendly faces. At least, one could assume that they were friendly, since this was the table for the reserves and their reservey business.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 14:55:49 UTC
Zack blinked down at the cookies. And then up at the girl. And then back down at the cookies.

"Well, actually, they're all free."

They were trying to get people to voluntarily poison themselves! It would be great!


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 14:57:58 UTC
"You could consider it a donation to the cause."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 15:01:48 UTC
That suggestion kind of caught Zack off-guard, yes.

"You want to pay for them?" After calling them poisonous? Zack was still kind of pouting over that. They'd been made with love. And fish paste. "I don't know... I guess... whatever it would cost to be able to get more cookies from town, so that people don't go without?"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 15:03:41 UTC
Fish paste was not love, Zack. Fish paste burned at your very soul with it's hatred of all things sweet.

"As long as it helps the reserve, I believe it's well worth the effort."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 15:12:01 UTC
Zack tilted his head at the girl slightly, and then sighed and shrugged it off a bit. He was already trying to separate the home-made cookies from the supplemental J,GoB ones that had been picked up earlier at Tara's behest.

"You have an interest in the reserves? I think I've seen you around, once or twice."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 15:18:25 UTC
"As much as anyone here, I'd say," she replied, grabbing the cookies quickly before someone could make the mistake of eating them.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 15:21:37 UTC
Zack was only pouting a little as the cookies disappeared from the table.

Sigh and woe and that was that.

"Well, not anyone, I don't think. There are still plenty of people who either don't know they exist, or who just don't feel comfortable with that sort of thing going on when it's made up almost entirely of students."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 16:14:20 UTC
"They feel more comfortable with being over run with whatever decides to happen this next time?" Maladicta asked.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 16:20:50 UTC
Zack grimaced a little, and then he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know," he admitted. "I mean, it's not like we're kids, right? I've been in SOLDIER for a few years already, now. And there are lots of other students who are wired for this sort of thing. If nothing else, at least people had to see why we fighters don't want to just roll over and agree to be students exclusively, not after what happened the last time."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 16:27:13 UTC
"Not everyone is made for it, I'll grant. But they ought to at least be glad some are," she replied dryly. "Soldier--" She totally missed the all caps there. "--is that your company?"


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 16:36:46 UTC
Well, in all fairness, it wasn't as though all-caps were easy to pronounce. Maybe if Zack started yelling the name?

"It's a branch of the company I work for, actually," Zack confided, looking more than a little proud of that fact, cookies all but forgotten. "SOLDIER is ShinRa's elite military. We take care of stuff that the infantry and the security department can't really handle."


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 16:40:07 UTC
"Which is how much of it?"

Hey, she was in the infantry, thank you.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 16:50:41 UTC
"Oh, they do a good job," Zack replied, "don't get me wrong. But if it takes up too much of the company's resources to arm them and ship them off, it's probably going to fall back to me and a handful of infantrymen for cleanup. They probably get more work than I do."

... Especially lately. He was trying not to pout again.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] inneedofcoffee August 28 2010, 16:54:27 UTC
"You must have a lot of wars then," Maladicta replied, trying to keep from getting the puppy sad face. It was... disturbing.


Re: Meet the Reserves [Fall 2010] puppy_fair August 28 2010, 16:58:53 UTC
He'd spent years perfecting the sad face! It maybe lost a bit now, what with the scar and the funky hair, but that just meant that he'd have to try harder.

"There have been a few," he agreed. "And there are some pretty nasty monsters and things back home, too. Always plenty going on to keep the military busy, that way. What are things like where you're from?"


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