After last week this was more than a little embarrassing, but Aeryn decided she was not about to show that to her students. "First of all, my apologies for last week's class. I had attempted to bring in a caged gremlin to show you, but ended up giving you a personal demonstration of what a gremlin bite does. This week, I just bring in a picture."
She passed out the handout, a picture of a gremlin that looked like it should have maybe been on a wanted poster. If only Aeryn knew PhotoShop. "This is a gremlin. They tend to hide most of the time, so you likely won't see them wandering around- except for the one working in the office- and are attracted to shiny things that they then try to steal. Fighting with them, or startling them, or irritating them, or having an uncovered body part within biting distance, or pretty much anything that isn't letting them have their way may get you bitten. Their bites won't kill you, or land you in the clinic, but gremlin venom does have a sort of hallucinogenic effect, making the victim believe that they are something they're not. They then often seek refuge in the most public of places, where people can see them, and possibly record them.
"While it can be embarrassing for some-" Not her, nope! "-remember that it does tend to happen to most everyone at some point or another. Strange behavior is often automatically assumed to be the effect of a gremlin bite, and it will wear off. The desire to hide under your bed for days is perfectly normal, but unnecessary. This is high school; you will do more embarrassing things than this.
"Now," Aeryn said, "I'm going to let you go early, as on my way here a sentient cucumber tried to take a bite out of my ankle, which even for this place is not exactly normal. If anyone has any experiences like this today, remember them for next week, because we will be talking about it."
Bless you, invasions on a Tuesday when Aeryn could shoot things. That would probably be overkill, right? Hmmm.