It was really Aeryn's own fault. When she'd planned the class on gremlin bites, it had seemed easy enough. Capturing one hadn't been difficult, and its little cage was set up so it would be comfortable and no one would report her for any sort of abuse, and the thing had actually seemed pretty content in there. At least until she went to get the cage to bring to class, and it decided it didn't like its current arrangement anymore and took a good bite into her hand when it escaped.
So despite the icon, Aeryn was dressed
conservatively for what the class would now be discussing, because if she showed up in anything less she would have to kill herself before next week. Being a Victoria's Secret fashion model would be embarrassing enough.
"Hello, everyone!" she said, sounding vaguely like she'd taken diction lessons from Heidi Klum. "First thing we're going to do is move all these desks out of our way. And then you're going to go through all the clothes in
that bin and pick what you're going to wear for our fashion show! Now remember, this is being televised, so do your best and don't fall on your face in front of the cameras." There were no cameras. She was striking a pose here for no one.
No, seriously, there'd be a real class for a mortified Aeryn next week. Just think of this as the demonstration portion of the gremlin bite class.
[Link goes to the Victoria's Secret website, so let's call it NWS for the sake of anyone checking it behind their bosses' backs.]