Oct 20, 2009 05:44
For as much as Aeryn had enjoyed her first vacation in years, she was glad to be back at work. If you knew Aeryn well enough you could probably tell. If not... well, she was glad to be back.
"Welcome back, I trust you enjoyed your break, or at least the time off," she greeted them. "This weekend is homecoming, which is what we're going to be talking about today, because I certainly had no clue what it was before coming here. Alumni from previous classes will be coming back, meaning you will not recognize half the names mentioned on radio, and there will be both a carnival and a dance. Now, if you are new to dances, it's fairly self-explanatory. People dress up, they ask each other to go, and once they're there, there is dancing, usually involving uncomfortable shoes. You don't need a date to go, either, before anyone asks. You can have a perfectly good time not hanging on someone all night. And as a tip, you might want to sniff the punch if you're going to drink it, unless you don't care what may have been added to it during the course of the night.
"While homecoming is an event that happens just about everywhere here, dances themselves don't seem to exist much outside of school settings. Your work generally will not hold them, for instance, unless perhaps you come back to work here. We do have a few of them here, typically the Valentine's Day dance and prom, so if you miss homecoming, don't think you're getting out of it that easily.
"Now," Aeryn said, "since the primary function of a dance is to dance, that's what we'll be doing today. Getting some practice. I would like you all to put on the uncomfortable shoes I've supplied and pair up- typically it's male/female, though I personally don't care- and try some slow dancing. If you don't know how to dance, this is a good time to figure it out, and get used to having your feet stepped on. And maybe some of the blushing can be gotten out of the way now."
fandom v real world