When the students filed into the classroom today, they'd find the desks pushed to the sides of the room again, and a wardrobe at the front of the classroom. No, Edmund, not for you. Remus stood beside it, wand actually out and arms crossed for once.
"So, for the half of you who didn't visit us in our office hours," Sirius began dryly, "today you will be facing a boggart." He pointed his wand at the wardrobe. "No one knows what one looks like in its natural state because when it is released, it takes on the form of your worst fear."
"Generally," Remus added, "in an accessible, tangible form. A spider, a ghoul, a clown for some of you -- the boggart will take what frightens you, and feed off of your fear. Today's lesson isn't about scaring you for our amusement. It's to help you face fear in its rawest form."
Sirius's eyes twinkled in rare good humor. "And if it helps, put a hat on it. Laughter is the way to defeat a boggart. So before Professor Lupin opens the wardrobe, take a few moments to take what you fear and make it look absolutely ridiculous. Because many of you are Muggles, and those of you who are magical might not be magical in the way that works against creatures in our world, Professor Lupin will be reciting the incantation that goes along with the laughter."
"But," Remus added, "as it is not my fear, but yours, it will fall to you to envision the way to make the frightening thing as absurd as possible. While I will say the incantation and my wand will work, it is up to you to make the spell work. This exercise is not about magic, and whether or whether not you can perform it. It's not even about boggarts, really."
Sirius nodded. "That said, we understand that this is an unusual school full of students from a variety of living situations. As such, we have also provided an alternative lesson for those of you who don't wish to confront your fears in a public forum."
Remus just looked over at him, all but rolling his eyes. "...yes, yes we have. Professor Black was inspired."
Sirius barked out a laugh. "A particularly inspired student at Professor Lupin's last school imagined his boggart wearing his grandmother's hat. It was a beautiful hat, with a stuffed vulture on it. So those of you who have spoken with us already will get to be haberdashers for the hour and design beautiful hats." He grinned. "They will go to an excellent cause."
Snape would love them. Really.
"...yes. However," Remus added, "I'd still like you to try to have constructive discussions while you're, er, making hats!" Oh, Remus.
To his credit, Sirius didn't laugh aloud at that, though the look he shot his friend was full of fond exasperation. "I'm sure we will," he said, nodding. "Potential hat-makers, follow me, please." He headed to the rear of the classroom, where tables were filled with a variety of hat making materials.
"And non-hatmakers, up here," Remus said, waiting until the...haberdashers were with Sirius before murmuring a charm and casting a wall between the two halves of the room, lest the boggart catch sight of the unintended students.
[co-written with the darling
siriuslyscarred! waaaait for OCD, IT IS UP. ETA: and for the radio squirrels -- it's fine to say Remus chatted with George after class, but content is NFB pls.]