Healthy Diet and Living; Monday, Period Five [ 07/13 ].

Jul 13, 2009 10:06

"Afternoon, class," Daisy greeted them in her usual bright manner. "I'm sure you've all had interesting weekends, and what are the odds that, now that things are back to the grind, you may have skipped breakfast to get just a little extra sleep? Or maybe you just grabbed a Pop Tart or a granola bar on your way out, something quick and on the go because you know that you should have at least something or that you're simply hungry?"

"Well, I'm sure you've all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and so one of the first things to do as a step toward a healthier lifestyle is to give breakfast all the attention it deserves! Breakfast provides the entire framework for you energy, your clarity, and everything else through the day. more energy, a clearer mind, and are generally healthier for the rest of the day. The first step to a bloody good day is a brilliantly good breakfast. Behind me is a very simply sort of list of things to go for and what to avoid. You want something with good natural sugars, so that you don't go through a sugar crash later. Some carbs. Protein is exceptionally important.
On your desk, you'll find a handout on what exactly makes a balanced breakfast balanced. You'll also find a few recipes that we're going to work on today so that you have no excuse not to have a quick, healthy, easy, and delicious breakfast every day so that your body is getting the most out of its energy, your brain's working on all it's cylinders, and everything's off to a good start.

""I'm sure you've all heard that lecture at least once in your life, so let's get to actually making some breakfast and eating it. Good, healthy, easy breakfast. You've each got four recipes there; we'll make each of them, so I hope you're hungry. Even if you're not, trying to have a little bit of each. Any leftovers I just take down to the teacher's lounge and I'll tell the others you made them, and, look at that, I'm doing your buttering up for you."

"So, we've got a smoothie to start out with. That's your something sweet, your sugar, but this one's also got some great vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and protein. Incredibly easy, and quick, and tasty. Just please remember to put the lid on the blender before you mix it. It's morning. I've forgotten a few times myself, not going to lie."

"I know we've got some chocolate fans in the group, too, so we're going to do an oatmeal that's sweet and chocolatey, too. Because chocolate, depending on what kind, actually can be good for you." There was a slight look there, daring any of them to start arguing that that made their preferred chocolate okay. "A little brown sugar on top will make it just a little sweeter, too."

"And every breakfast needs a pancake recipe. These ones are definitely not low calorie, but calorie intake in the morning is a good thing. It gives you fuel to start the day, and we'll want to top our pancakes with fruit sauce, jam, or maybe honey. Maple syrup is delicious and natural, but it's very sugary."

"And, finally, something a little more substantial, but will take a little longer, so you might want to do those first are some mini-quishe. We'll be using turkey sausage, which is healthier than the kind that comes from pigs, and I'm pretty sure that makes it kosher, too, but don't, er, quote me on that....and mostly egg whites because they're better."

"Help each other out, have fun, I hope you like them, and I'm here if you need help, too. I've got more ideas, too, for breakfasts, especially quick ones, if you're interested. We don't always have time in the morning, and, believe me, I've seen far too many cops get that awful little belly from thinking donuts and muffins are perfectly good breakfasts. The only reason you don't see it with this police force is because, I swear, all of 'em but me have a super-human metabolism. But I digress. Let's get to cooking."

[[ OCD on the way is now part of a balanced breakfast! ]]


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