Sex Ed, Wednesday, Period 2

Oct 22, 2008 07:26

"Good morning!" Edward said. "As you know, your families will be visiting the school this weekend. I'd like you all to demonstrate what you've learned. Create an informational poster with whatever message you would like to pass on to your younger brothers or sisters. If you have no siblings, think of younger friends and what you would like to tell them. You may illustrate your message with images from the magazines I have provided, if you like."

A table at the side of the room has poster boards, magic markers in all colors, scissors, glue sticks and a stack of old magazines. Some titles have more issues than others.

Group 1
Toby Moraitis
Angela Montenegro
Warren Peace

Group 2
Amber Atkins
Kaylee Frye
Blair Waldorf
Chuck Bass

Group 3
Claire Fisher
Gwen Cooper
Eric van der Woodsen
Toshiko Sato

Group 4
Jenny Sparks
Molly Carpenter
Cal Stephanides

Group 5
Kevin Archer
Joan Girardi
Meg Powers

[ Syllabus and OOC info, including links to old classes for quick reference. I'll put up a classroom post on Saturday so you can send your family members over to see the posters and meet Edward, if you like. If Edward doesn't agree with the message, the posters will be stuck in a corner somewhere but you can still find them to show family members.

Handwave any magazines you like. If it's not something Edward would approve of, you can find it stuck inside another magazine - he handwavily grabbed old issues that were around the school to supplement the ones he already had.

Wait for OCD! Up!

Also, Edward will have office hours tomorrow since I spaced yesterday if you want to talk to him outside of class.]

sex ed

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