"Good day, class," Lulu said, a bright smile on her face as her students came in. "Today, we're going to be talking about nutrition, before getting into the actual cooking starting next week." She passed around a
handout [PDF file]. "This is a '
food guide [site],' created by the Canadian government because my mun is more familiar with it and the US system doesn't seem to have an easy laid-out thing like this. It outlines the various groups to which food can be categorised, and how many servings of each you should be getting each day.
"Nutrition is especially important at this stage of your life," Lulu continued, "because of the changes through which your body is going. Making sure you have enough calcium, for example, to help build strong bones as yours grow. We'll be touching a little more on this as we go through the actual cooking," she said. "Mostly, I offer it to you as something to think about; I don't expect anyone to adhere to it perfectly. Certainly, I don't, myself; I enjoy my sweets, my pastries, far too much, even though they contain ridiculous amounts of fats and sugars. Instead, I want you to consider it as you do make food choices. Maybe, occasionally, you'll think to reach for the apple or the carrot to snack on, rather than the cookie or the bag of chips."
[If there are any problems with viewing the PDF file, let me know! Sorry for the lecture-heavy class; next week will have more interaction.]