Jul 09, 2008 06:30
"Good morning," Mohinder said, sitting on the desk at the front of the classroom. He looked round at the students, noting new and familiar faces. "I am Dr Mohinder Suresh, instructor for this forensics-based workshop, and the TA is Adah Price," he said, nodding at her assuming she's there. But to start, I'd like to know who I'm teaching. Your name, when and where you were before Fandom, and your most useful tool in an investigation."
After the introductions were complete, Mohinder continued in this vain. "Applying science to an investigation follows certain procedures. We need to be sure of what is - the weapon was this gun, he was there then, this document came from that printer."
"With that in mind, write a short physical descriptions of someone in Fandom." Mohinder pointed at the sketchpads lying on the desks. "Then sketch from each others' descriptions. How accurate a picture can you make?"
[OCD is up!]
how not to get caught