If Anakin seemed a little tense today, well, it was kind of to be
expected. Not that he'd be opening up about that at all.
"Today we talk about envy," he said quietly. "There's always something that someone else seems to have that we want: clothing, grades, family, love, looks, acclaim...their achievements remind us of something we don't think we have enough of."
He began pacing as he warmed to his subject. "A wise man once said that envy is the art of counting the other person's blessings instead of your own. An entire industry has sprung up and flourished exploiting the idea that we envy those who have achieved fame." Anakin made a face. "With the equally charming dark side that we'll take joy in watching their failures."
He crossed his arms over his chest. "So today we'll be gossip mongers. Come up with a story about one of the people in this class, in the school, or on the island. It doesn't have to be true. It just has to be something that would get people's attention. Then pass it on. We'll see the ramifications of envy for ourselves."
He was kind of counting on the students choosing to start rumors about people they didn't like. He knew human nature that way.