Sneaky Spycraft: Week 3, Period 4

Jan 22, 2008 09:09

Aly was wandering around the classroom as the students arrived.   As everyone took a chair, she smiled at them all and perched on the edge of the table at the front of the room.

"Good morning.  Today is the first day we're going to talk about - and practice - some of the actual tools a spy uses."  She grinned, excited.  "Lockpicking isn't just used by spies, of course.  But an agent can end up in a multitude of situations where a little manual dexterity is helpful."  She winked at Seregil if he was present.  "Some of you already have experience in this of course.  Either from another of my classes or outside activities.  And for you, I have something a bit more difficult planned."

"But before we get into the actual practicing, let's go over the basics of how, exactly, you pick a lock."  With that she took them through a short but information-filled lecture on picking locks.

She gestured them all to gather around the table.  "Now, these are all training tools for learning.  Take a turn at them, see what you can do.  A third of picking locks is the theory, the other two-thirds is practice and steady hands."  Aly smiled mischieviously at the class.  "And I don't want to hear anyone complaining this is too hard.  It's challenging, and those of you who've never done it before may take quite a while, but I learned how by the time I was four.  There are sets of lockpicks on the table.  Feel free to try out a couple different ones.  And for those of you who want or need more a challenge, I have some much more difficult locks over in that corner."  She pointed to where there was an assortment of pretty much any type of lock possible.  Including one that didn't actually look like it needed a key.

he came back to the main table with a smile.  "Right then, any questions before we start?"  She paused to answer any that came up.  "Now, I have one last thing for you.  Part of being aware of your surroundings at all times is knowing who's near you and what they're doing there."

[OOC: Wait for the OCD as is one's wont is up, yo]


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