Dealing with the Opposite Sex, Friday, Period 2, Class #1

Jul 13, 2007 00:35

As students entered the wooded area, they would notice the woman in black leather perched on the picnic table, which was surrounded by chairs. Anyone familiar with Aeryn Sun might be surprised by the similarity of their appearances, except for the white streaks in Vala's hair and the more relaxed and lounging demeanor.

"Good morning," she said, sipping from a large mug of what was probably coffee, "My name is Vala Mal Doran, and I'll be your instructor in matters of learning how to deal with the opposite sex. Now, anyone who thinks I can teach you everything on this subject in seven weeks has clearly been imbibing intoxicants and not sharing, but hopefully you'll have enough of a basis by the time we're finished so you won't blush, stammer, and pass out every time you speak to someone of the opposite gender."

"My lovely assistant," she gestured in Jack's general direction, "is Jack Harkness. His knowledge in this area is very reliable, and you should feel free to ask him any questions that you would--or wouldn't--ask me."

"So, as a unique getting-to-know you opportunity, I'd like you to introduce yourselves, explain what you hope to get out of the class, and tell use your most embarrassing story about interacting with a member of the opposite sex."

"Who'd like to start?"

[ooc: OCD is up in a second!]

opposite sex

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